1. Thou shalt not make a federal case out of a county courthouse issue.

  2. Thou shalt learn to relax in the midst of thine enemies, lest they grind thee down without even working up a sweat.

  3. Thou shalt not make anger thy main dish, but shalt use it sparingly for accent -- like jalpeno peppers.

  4. Thou shalt remember that thy body is only human and shalt treat it as if thou didst expect to need it a while longer.

  5. Thou shalt refrain from knocking thy best friend out of the ring, for when the fighting gets fierce, having someone in thy corner may be all that keeps thee standing 'til the bell.

  6. Thou shalt not make anxiety an art form, for proficiency at fretting dulls the sharp edge of the mind like hitting rocks with a lawnmower.

  7. Thou shalt avoid if only and I shoulda, for their dreariness takes the sparkle out of a sunny day.

  8. Thou shalt be willing to receive feedback from any honest source, for defending against distasteful reality uses energy thou canst not spare.

  9. Thou shalt not commit malice, however justified, for it poisons the spring from which both must drink.

  10. Thou shalt take responsibility for thy thoughts and actions, for from them flow the feelings and the meaning of thy life.