The 10 Cannots

1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
3. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
4. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
5. You cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer.
6. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
7. You cannot further the brotherhood of men by inciting class hatred.
8. You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
9. You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative.
10. You cannot really help men by having the government tax them to do for
      them what they can and should do for themselves.

The 10 Commandments

1. I am the Lord thy God; thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing
      that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in
      the water under the earth.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
4. remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
6. Thou shalt not kill.
7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8. Thou shalt not steal.
9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's
      wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor
      anything that is thy neighbor's.