Cat Food Can Problem

The Carnation Company of L.A. produces and distributes Friskies Buffet Cat Foods. All flavors come in cylindrical containers. A six ounce can of Friskies Buffet Mixed Grill has a volume of roughly 14.5 cubic inches and has the following dimensions: height = 1.75 inches and radius = 1.62 inches.

But do the dimensions of this Friskies can have the smallest surface area that contains 14.5 cubic inches?

Sounds like a calculus problem...

Determine the radius and height of the can having a volume of 14.5 cubic inches and that has the smallest surface area.

Outline of Solution:

Why do Carnation and other companies package cat food and tuna and chicken in short cans that do not minimize the surface area?

For the answer, click here!