Mr. Pleacher made the following statements about his life on New Year's Day, 2007:

  • I spent five years at home before starting school.
  • Then I spent 4/15 of my life in school.
  • After graduating from college, I immediately married and began teaching.
  • My son, Michael, was born 2/3 of the number of years between my older daughter's birth (Elizabeth) and my younger daughter's birth (Sarah).
  • Ten percent of my life passed between my two daughters' births.
  • I lived 1/2 of my life from the time I was married until my grandson James was born.
  • Elizabeth was born after I had lived 2/5 of my life.
  • My granddaughter Carrie was born 1/3 of way between the year that James was born and the year that grandchildren Kate and Jackson were born.
  • I retired one year after James was born and one year before Carrie was born.
  • Seven twentieths (7/20) of my life passed between the year Sarah was born and the year that James was born.
  • My grandson Ben was born two years after Jackson and Kate were born.

Can you answer the following questions?

  1. How old is Mr. P now? _____
  2. How old was he when he was married? _____
  3. How old was he when Elizabeth was born? _____
  4. How old was he when Sarah was born? _____
  5. How old was he when Michael was born? _____
  6. How old was he when James was born? _____
  7. How old was he when Carrie was born? _____
  8. How old was he when Jackson was born? _____
  9. How old was he when Kate was born? _____
  10. How old was he when Ben was born? _____
  11. How old was he when he retired? _____


Solution to the Problem:

  1. Mr. P is 60 years old.
  2. He was married at age 21.
  3. Elizabeth was born when he was 24.
  4. Sarah was born when he was 30.
  5. Michael was born when he was 28.
  6. James was born when he was 51.
  7. Carrie was born when he was 53.
  8. Jackson was born when he was 57.
  9. Kate was born when he was 57.
  10. Ben was born when he was 59.
  11. He retired at the age of 52.

To solve this problem, first set up a time-line of Mr. P's life:

Correctly solved by:

1. Walt Arrison Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2. Tristan Collins Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia
3. Ben Reedy Mountain View High School,
Montain View, Wyoming
4. Sagar Patel Brookstone School
Columbus, Georgia
5. David & Judy Dixon Bennettsville, South Carolina
6. Richard K. Johnson La Jolla, California