Can you identify the following numbers from the abbreviated titles and lyrics of popular songs?
Find the missing words for each capital letter.
Can you name the artist who sang the song?
For example, 76 = T that L the B P would be Trombones that Led the Big Parade.
1 = L B to A      ____________________________________
1 = B A      ____________________________________
2 = T to P      ____________________________________
2 out of 3 = A B       ____________________________________
2 = of a K, W on a F H       ____________________________________
3 = T a L      ____________________________________
3 = L B      ____________________________________
3 = C in the F      ____________________________________
4 = S W      ____________________________________
7 = B R      ____________________________________
7 = S A      ____________________________________
8 = D a W      ____________________________________
8 = M H      ____________________________________
10 = L I      ____________________________________
12 = D of C      ____________________________________
16 = C      ____________________________________
16 = T      ____________________________________
19th = N B      ____________________________________
26 = M      ____________________________________
50 = W to L your L      ____________________________________
59th = S B S      ____________________________________
96 = T      ____________________________________
99 = R B      ____________________________________
99 = B of B on the W      ____________________________________
100 = P of C      ____________________________________
442 = G A      ____________________________________
500 = M      ____________________________________
500 = M A from H      ____________________________________