1E A statement that two quantities are equal. (EQUATION)
2S A polynomial with two unlike terms. (BINOMIAL)
3W The value of a variable when all other variables in the equation equal zero.
In a graph, the value where a relation crosses an axis. (INTERCEPT)
4W A number which can be expressed as the ratio of two integers. (RATIONAL)
5E A number or expression that divides exactly another number. (FACTOR)
6N Multiplicative inverse. (RECIPROCAL)
7N Countable. (FINITE)
8W A number that indicates how many times another number is used as a factor. (EXPONENT)
9E A number from the set {..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...} (INTEGER)
10N An algebraic expression containing many terms. (POLYNOMIAL)
11W A symbol that represents a number. (VARIABLE)
12S An expression that compares two numbers. (RATIO)
13E Two lines are parallel if their ____ are equal. (SLOPES)
14S All rational and irrational numbers. (REAL)
15S A polynomial with three unlike terms. (TRINOMIAL)
16S A set of ordered pairs in which each x-value has a unique y-value. (FUNCTION)
17E The difference in the y-values. (RISE)
18E A sentence that states that two expressions are not equal. (INEQUALITY)
19E The answer to a subtraction problem. (DIFFERENCE)