Can you match each nickname in the column on the left with the corresponding U.S. President? _____ 1. "Old Hickory" A. George W. Bush _____ 2. "The Sage of Monticello" B. Bill Clinton _____ 3. "Tippecanoe" C. Dwight D. Eisenhower _____ 4. "The Father of His Country" D. Ulysses S. Grant _____ 5. "The First Black President" E. William Henry Harrison _____ 6. "Young Hickory" F. Herbert Hoover _____ 7. "Old Rough and Ready" G. Andrew Jackson _____ 8. "TR" H. Thomas Jefferson _____ 9. "The Great Humanitarian" I. Lyndon B. Johnson _____ 10. "FDR" J. John F. Kennedy _____ 11. "Tricky Dick" K. Abraham Lincoln _____ 12. "Unconditional Surrender" L. James Madison _____ 13. "Father of the Constitution" M. Richard Nixon _____ 14. "The Gipper" N. James Polk _____ 15. "LBJ" O. Ronald Reagan _____ 16. "Honest Abe" P. Franklin D. Roosevelt _____ 17. "Give 'Em Hell Harry" Q. Theodore Roosevelt _____ 18. "Ike" R. Zachary Taylor _____ 19. "Dubya" S. Harry S. Truman _____ 20. "JFK" T. George Washington