The geeks shall inherit the earth:
The smart and funny signs from Boston's Stand Up for Science protest

Over 5,000 scientists and environmental advocates congregated in Copley Square to stand up for science, armed with funny and clever signs, to protest Trump's 'anti-science administration'.

Scientists, environmental advocates and their supporters gathered in Copley Square on Sunday February 19, 2017 in a show of force against Trump's administration refuting claims of climate change.

Protesters used geeky puns to declare their opposition while others listed inventions and cures society has today, all because of scientific findings.

Hundreds of Boston's brightest minds came armed with clever signs to protest Trump's 'anti-science administration' on Sunday. Several puns included science references.

This man holds an illustration depicting fear fueling ignorance and producing hate.   It seemingly is a reference to claims that the president's policies are dividing the country, not uniting it.   The man had an illustration of Bunsen Burner of 'fear' heating up a concoction of 'ignorance' which then produced 'hate', seemingly a reference to Trump.

Another sign had a direct jab at Trump, saying without science there would be no Rogaine, mocking the president over his hair.

Some of those who turned out criticized Trump's appointment of Scott Pruitt as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who is a climate-science denier.

One sign declared that 'alternative facts are square root of -1', sparking a Twitter discussion to find out its meaning.   Some decided it meant alternative facts were imaginary and rooted in negativity.   Others said it meant alternative facts were impossible to find.