The answers to the following questions are the names of the books of the Bible
  (the answers are not actually IN the book itself -- just the title).
  Answers are listed below.

1. Which book of the Bible describes how to make beer?

2. In which book of the Bible would they sing the Dowop song "Do Ron Ron" to me?

3. In which book of the Bible would you find Phil Collins?

4. In which book of the Bible would you find people who are against subjects but in favor of verbs?

5. In which book of the Bible would you find rainwear?

6. In which book of the Bible do you read about people who employ their own cooks?

7. In which book of the Bible do you read about people sitting on the toilet?

8. In which book of the Bible do you find people in their pajamas?

9. In which book of the Bible do you find the beginning of the National Anthem?

10. In which book of the Bible do you find hard core Native Americans?

11. In which book of the Bible do you find Harry Potter's giant friend?

12. In which book of the Bible do you find not so hot water?

13. In which book of the Bible would they use novocaine on your wife's gums?

14. In which book of the Bible would you read about Josh's exit?

15. Which book of the Bible has to do with employment?


1 Hebrews (He brews).
2. Deuteronomy (Do Two Rons to me)
3. Genesis (the name of Phil Collins' band)
4. Proverbs (PRO verbs)

5. Colossians (galoshes)
6. Habakkuk (Have a cook)
7. John, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John (name for toilet)
8. James (Jammies)

9. Hosea ("Oh Say, ...")
10. 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians (Core Indians)
11. Haggai (Hagrid)
12. Luke (luke warm)

13. Numbers (Numb hers)
14. Joshua (Josh away)
15. Job