Determine the name of the book of the Bible for each clue listed below.
Then write the letters of that book in the 13 by 11 matrix using the following rules:
- Each word makes one right-angle turn somewhere along its length.
But you must determine where each word makes this turn and in which direction.
- As a guide, the starting direction (i.e., the direction of the word before its right angle
turn) of each answer is indicated by the letter given after the clue number.
- Words can go North, South, East, or West to start with.
For example, 1W begins on square 1 and heads West.
- Each letter in the correctly completed grid appears in only one word.
- Enter the book of Acts as just one word -- ACTS.
- No duplicate names are used. For example, there will be just one entry for 1 Peter
and 2 Peter; similarly, JOHN will be entered just once in spite of the fact that there
are four books with that name.
So, the twenty-seven books of the New Testament
will be represented by the twenty unique names.
But you must determine where each word makes this turn and in which direction.
For example, 1W begins on square 1 and heads West.
So, the twenty-seven books of the New Testament will be represented by the twenty unique names.
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