Quote of the Day: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." -- Reinhold Niebuhr Objectives: The student will integrate integrals involving quadratics. The student will complete the square. 1. Collect homework. 2. Review the concept of "Completing the Square." To complete the square: (1) If the coefficient of the squared term is one: (2) Divide the linear term by 2 and square it. (3) Add and subtract this amount to the expression. (1) If the coefficient of the squared term is not one: Factor out any coefficient of the squared term. (2) Divide the linear term by 2 and square it. (3) Inside the parentheses, add this amount. Outside the parentheses, subtract this amount times the number which you factored out of the leading coefficient. Examples: ![]()
Rewrite each of the following expressions in the form of a perfect square and a constant: ![]()
3. If an integral involves a quadratic, you can complete the square to get an integral that contains the sum or difference of two squares. Then use the method of trig substitution. 4. Examples: ![]()
5. Assignment: p. 535 (35, 36, 39, 40) |