Quote of the Day: "A diagram is worth a thousand words." -- Dr. Carl E. Linderholm Objectives: Given the graph of a function, the student will determine the graph of the derivative. 1. Collect Homework. 2. Existence of derivatives: The derivative does not exist at any of the following: ![]() In the examples above, think of derivative as the slope of the curve at a point. In the corner or cusp, the slope cannot be equal to two different values at the same point. In the vertical tangent, the slope cannot be equal to infinity. In the point of discontinuity, the slope cannot be equal to two different values at the same x-value. If f(x) is differentiable, Then it is also continuous. The converse of this statement is NOT true: Continuity does not imply differentiability. 3. Graph of the derivative: ![]() Click here for an interactive link to the Graph of the Derivative Use tangents to the graph to approximate the slope at various points. Then graph the values of those slopes on an axis below the original function. 4. Assignment: p. 187 (15, 23, 24, 25, 26) |