Quote of the Day: "Mathematics is written for mathematicians." -- Copernicus Objectives: The student will continue to compute differentials. The student will apply differentials to computing approximations for roots. 1. Collect homework. 2. To introduce Linear Approximations or Differentials: If you stretch a rope tightly around the earth, and then increase the length of the rope by about 6 feet (i.e, you increase the circumference by 6.28 feet), how far would the rope be above the ground? Have students write down their guess. Answer is one foot! ![]() How would this change if the rope were tied around a ball that has a diameter of 1 foot? To illustrate, take a piece of string and have students make a circle with it on the floor. Then take another piece of string (6 feet 3 inches longer than the first) and make a circle outside the first. Measure the change in the radius. 3. Example ![]() 4. Ten Commandments of Mathematics
5. Assignment: p. 217 (10, 29, 41) p. 188 (27, 28) "Farside" Droodle Worksheet p. 219 (5, 12, 18, 19) |