Quote of the Day: "Numerical precision is the very soul of science." -- Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson Objectives: The student will write the inverse function of a given function. 1. Hand back and go over the tests on chapter 3. 2. Hand out Sheets on Being Successful in Calculus
3. Discuss inverse functions again. Examples: y = 3x ![]() Graph on the axes and show their relationship. 4. Play game: Guess my number. Example: I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. If I double my number, then add 14 to it, then take the square root of it, and finally divide it by 6, I get 1. What is my number? Do INVERSE operations to get the answer: 11. Have different students give the four operations. Another Example (to lead into logs and exponentials): I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. If I take the log of my number (to the base 10), then add 7 to it, then divide by 3, and finally square it, I get 7.111111... What is my number? ![]() My number was 10. 5. Assignment: p. 233 (1, 13, 14, 16, 17) |