Quote of the Day: "The mathematician's patterns, like the painter's or poet's, must be beautiful. The ideas, like the colours or the words, must fit together in a harmonious way. Beauty is the first test: There is no permanent place in the world for ugly mathematics. -- G. H. Hardy Objectives: The student will review all concepts related to curve sketching. 1. Collect homework.2. Click here for Methods for Finding Critical Points 3. Outline of the test on chapter 5 (No calculators): #1 Given a function, determine the derivatives, the relative extrema, points of inflection, intervals where the function is concave up/down and where it is increasing/decreasing. #2-4 Sketch the function which satisfies certain conditions. #5-7 Sketch the graphs of given functions, indicating relative max/min points. #8 Discussion question about curve sketching. #9-10. Problems involving curve sketching (find the value of k…) 4. Review for the test Sketch the following function, discussing relative extrema, points of inflection, intervals of concavity and intervals of increasing/decreasing… ![]() 5. Riddle: Why are huge chrysanthemums like some parabolas? Answer: Because they're both maximums. 6. Assignment p. 319 (6) p. 321 (2, 6) Study for the Test |