Mr. Pleacher, As I told you before, I don't think that the way in which you are currentlymplementing the random quotes on the math page is the best, so I went to work and found out a new idea hope youike it. // put this on a file named "QUOTES.JS" // JScript source code var quoteArray = new Array (); quoteArray[0] = "\"There is no Royal Road to Geometry.\" -- Euclid"; quoteArray[1] = "\"Mathematics is the Queen of the Sciences.\" - Carlriedrich Gauss"; quoteArray[2] = "\"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a\n"= "million typewriters will eventually reproduce thentire\n" + "works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the internet, we\n" + "know this is not true.\" -- Professor Robert Silensky"; function getQuote() { return quoteArray[returnRandomNum()]; } function returnRandomQuoteIndex() { return Math.round( Math.random() * (quoteArray.length - 1)); } THE CODE FOR THE HTML PAGE This way Mr. Pleacher, you can even write out the quotes on the "quotes" ection of the mathpage by just printing out all elements of therray!Hope this helps, Jaime