Compound Interest Program in C++ |
/* An Interesting Compound Interest Problem */ #include < iostream.h > #include < conio.h > const double rate = 0.08; void firstten(double &, double &, double &, double &); void nextyears(double, double, double, double); void print (int, double, double, double, double); void heading(); int main() { double depben, // benjamin's deposits balben, // benjamin's balance depalbert, // albert's deposits balalbert; // albert's balance firstten(depben, balben, depalbert,balalbert); nextyears(depben, balben, depalbert,balalbert); getch(); return(0); } // figures the amounts for the first ten years void firstten (double &depben, double & balben, double & depalbert, double & balalbert) { balben=0; balalbert=0; heading(); for(int x = 1;x <= 10; x++) { depben=2000.00; balben= (depben + balben)+((balben+depben)* rate); depalbert=0; balalbert = (depalbert +balalbert) + ((depalbert +balalbert)* rate); print (x, depben, balben, depalbert,balalbert ); } getch(); } // figures the amounts for the last years void nextyears (double depben, double balben, double depalbert, double balalbert) { heading(); for(int x = 11; x<=55; x++) { depben=0; balben= (depben + balben)+((balben+depben)* rate); depalbert=2000.00; balalbert = (depalbert +balalbert) + ((depalbert +balalbert)* rate); print (x, depben, balben, depalbert,balalbert ); if (x%10==0) { getch(); heading(); } } } // prints each year's balances void print (int x, double depben, double balben, double depalbert, double balalbert) { cout.width(2); cout<< x; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(2); cout.width(12); cout << depben; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(2); cout.width(20); cout << balben; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(2); cout.width(15); cout << depalbert; cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(2); cout.width(15); cout << balalbert; cout<< endl; } // prints the heading for the columns void heading() { clrscr(); cout << "Year Deposits- Ben Balance Ben"; cout << " Deposits Albert Balance Albert\n"; }