Each of the 14 questions below is answered by a different whole number from 1 to
14. Can you figure out which number goes with each question?
- How many of these questions have an answer that isn't a perfect square?
- How many of these questions, if their answers were considered atomic numbers,
would represent elements that end in the letter M?
- How many of these questions have an answer that couldn't be the length of one side
of a right triangle, if each side's length is an integer?
- How many of these questions have an answer that could be the third side of a
triangle if the other two sides' lengths are 8 and 10?
- How many of these questions have an answer that divides evenly into 27,720?
- How many of these questions have an answer that divides evenly into another
- How many of these questions have an answer that divides evenly into the sum of all
the answers?
- How many of these questions have an answer that, if converted to a binary number,
is not a palindrome?
- How many of these questions have an answer that is a rational number?
- How many of these questions have an answer that is a perfect cube?
- How many of these questions have an answer that is a perfect number?
- How many of these questions have an answer that is both an odd prime and less than the
average of all the answers?
- How many of these questions have an answer that is divisible by both 2 and 7?
- How many of these questions have an answer whose factorial ends in 0?