Adelphia Webmail ??? Inbox Contacts Settings Help > Email Message Message sent. Folders [manage ] 1 messages Inbox 0 messages Sent Mail 0 messages Trash Prev Prev | Next Next Move to: Date: Sunday, October 2, 2005 7:26 PM From: Keith Mealy ', '/webedge/do/mail/message/addMultipleContacts?msg=INBOXDELIM3091&recipient=from&l=en-US&v=adelphia');> To:, Keith Mealy ', '/webedge/do/mail/message/addMultipleContacts?msg=INBOXDELIM3091&recipient=to&l=en-US&v=adelphia');> Subject: Re: Form Post From Mozilla I have a potential POW for you. You, as puzzlemeister will need to put in into a more understandable form. A friend told me once that the best defense against a picklock is to have multiple locks and don't necessarily lock them all. Therefore, when the picklock attempts to open a lock, he may actually be locking one or more of them. So I got to thinking about three deadbolts on a door, each of which may or may not be locked and installed in such a way that a picklock couldn't discern which way to turn the tumblers to unlock or lock it. How many locks would he have to pick in order to try all combinations to let himself in? At first, it would appear there are 8 combinations. But moving from one combination to the next might involve picking more than one lock. So investigated the 8 "states" of the locks. 0 meaning the initial state and 1 meaning the lock has been changed to the other state. 0) 000 1) 001 2) 010 3) 011 4) 100 5) 101 6) 110 7) 111 Is there an order that would provide a minimal number of pickings? Yes, there is, each step requiring only one pick. 0) 000 1) 001 3) 011 2) 010 6) 110 7) 111 5) 101 4) 100 so the maximum number of attempts and picks is 7. --- wrote: > Dear Keith, > > Good to hear from you. Congratulations on > solving this week's PRoblem of the Week. Have a > good week. > > David > > ---- Keith Mealy > wrote: > > VA=Pascal GA=Fibonacci OH=Pythagoras CA=Leibnitz > CO=DesCartes CT=Celsius FL=Newton DE=Heron MI=Euler > PA=Gauss SC=Euclid UT=E MC2 UT=Einstein (100th > Anniversary this month) NAME=Keith Mealy > CITY=Cincinnati STATE=oh > > > > > > --------------------------------- > > Yahoo! for Good > > Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina > relief effort. > > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 Prev Prev | Next Next ©2004 Adelphia Communications. All Rights Reserved. Under License by Openwave.