Math and Hollywood


Some trivia about the Faustian film "Bedazzled" (which came out in the year 2000 and stars Elizabeth Hurley and Brendan Frazier) regarding Fermat's Theorem (from

"This is not a mistake but something clever.
When the Devil was a schoolteacher, the first equation on the board was Fermat's Last Theorem
(X n + Y n = Z n   for n > 2).
It was proven in 1993 that there is no integer solution to this equation; exactly the kind of problem the Devil would give to an algebra class, but not really expected in your standard Hollywood film."


In the movie Annapolis, plebes doing a navigation calculation report an answer "40 degrees, 80 minutes."   Well then, that makes me 5 feet 14 inches tall and my age is 39 years 251 months!

Buck Privates and In the Navy (Abbott and Costello)

Abbott and Costello made arithmetic shenanigans the basis of a number of their comic dialogs.
Click here for examples of their dialogs.

Here are some links to Math in the Movies:

Mathematics in Movies

The Math in the Movies Page

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher