When my students used profanity in my classroom, instead of suspension, I offered them the opportunity to read the Methodist minister's sermon
( Click here for sermon) and then write me an essay about it.
Below are some of the essays. Students are identified only by their first names and first letter of their last names.
Pressure Pressure Pressure
A Poem by Norah V.
pressure, pressure, PRESSURE.
junior year, all this work.
AP Physics, which I know
i'm going to fail.
A ten page paper due Friday in English.
My stupid computer program which sort of doesn't work.
I can't say damn,
some stupid little rule.
There are drug dealers in this school and I
can't say damn.
Where am I going to college?
What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
Will I ever be able to afford a car?
damn, I can't say damn.
a suspend-able offense.
offense -- good god, what is this world coming to?
more rules than anyone can remember.
conformity, conformity, conformity.
I can't say damn.
I really need a job.
screwy finances.
a dirty kitchen floor.
I need to learn how to clean the oven.
also how to sew a button on my shirt
and the equation for potential energy.
can't say damn.
gotta say darn.
by Teffi G.
Cussing, I know it's supposed to be vulgar and dirty, but before you can judge someone who cusses lets see what these words mean. Such as the F word,
it's not in the dictionary so it must not be a word, so why do we call it a cuss word? Who took that word as being vulgar?
Dam and hell are in the Bible yet the Bible is a holy book filled with many beautiful things and words, yet these are considered dirty words.
I know B_T_H means a female dog but why is that considered bad or dirty? If you call someone a female dog or the B word it just means they either
act or look like a female dog, or is a son of a female dog. It may not be the nicest thing to say bit it wouldn't be considered vulgar.
Example of another female dog saying is: "Life's a female dog."
Don't get me wrong, I am aware cussing is not right but sometimes when you vent your anger, you use profanity by accident, or are trying to explain
something to someone else and just happen to get caught in the moment, that doesn't mean it's excusable of course.
Instead of S_IT you can say:
DOODOO happens, or even the more popular saying: Triangular equations happen.
I understand the reason for your concern, so I will indeed learn from the lesson of using mathematical equations instead of profanity, and the first mother
rhombus that tries to triangular my cussing I'll kick their circle.
by Andrew S.
Why I Shouldn't Use Profanity (Damn) in Calculus
by Stu B.
I actually thought a bit about why I shouldn't swear -- and especially in Math class. I really do try not to swear even outside of school,
but I should not even have to try to not swear.
One reason I should not swear is the fact that it can be very unattractive to others around me. People who I might be hoping to develop
some sort of friendship or other relationship with will possibly be turned off. This applies to the character which I hope to show MR. Pleacher
in hopes of earning his respect, but I will not get very far from disrespecting his classroom with my language.
I also have personal objections to profanity. I think it shows unbecoming character, a lack of discipline, and a lack of control over
one's built-up feelings. It is going to be one of my more serious goals in the immediate future to not swear. Hopefully, I can set a
higher standard of honor for myself.
Lastly, profanity is against God's commandments. I suppose I shouldn't speak too much about religion in school -- but this above all other reasons
offers me the inspiration to not swear.
So, Mr. Pleacher, I am sorry for swearing in your class. I hope that this incident has not lowered your personal opinion of my character.
Stu B.
by David Mc.
Today in calculus, I made a comment concerning a product that is of an inappropriate nature. It was rude and inconsiderate to my peers and my teacher.
I thought it was humorous but it was neither the time nor the place to make such a comment. I made the mistake of not thinking before I spoke.
It only made me look stupid and I regret making the comment in the first place. Sorry, Pops -- it won't happen again.
by Jacob B.
I'm sitting in detention writing this essay on why I used foul language in Mr. Pleacher's C++ Programming class. It all started when some right
triangle people broke shutty in my house. Note I made up a word for the word I said in class. To be truthful, it's a shame that I cannot say
what I want when I want. In perspective, who made a cuss word a cuss word anyway? To me, words are a way to vent your anger.
It would be better to cuss than to kill or vent my anger in any other destructive way. In my world, math is a cuss word. So, who
is to say what is a cuss? I think society needs to change.
In all actuality, I forgot what I was supposed to write about in this essay. So if I ever get angry again, I will rant and rave about the sin, cos,
and tan of the right triangle divided by the square root of the hexagonal figure's area multiplied by the absolute value of the binary code minus the ASCII table
plus the number of apples in a bushel minus all the extra credit I did not do.
by Michael B.
Cussing is bad. The story about the Fish Woman cussing and the Professor telling her off without her knowing it was very interesting.
I have learned that cussing isn't necessary and just rude, a much better way is the style the Professor used to the Fish lady, it wasn't rude and got his
point across. Cussing is bad I won't do it again.
An Elucidation on the Use of Offensive Language
by Thomas J.
Traditional views hold that there is no place in society for "swear" words. Many people claim to find them offensive and insulting.
However, they are, in fact, only words. What has real meaning is the sentiment and feelings behind these words. It is possible to be just as insulting
using only "proper English" as it is with curses. Words that are considered off-color, or foul, really pose no problem when used merely as expressions
intended to describe a degree of something, i.e., "a hell of a lot," etc.
Many words once considered unspeakable are now part of the common vocabulary of most English-speaking people. Attending a high school health class and
hearing students and teachers discussing intimate body parts, it is extremely easy to see how "unspeakable" words have become part of conversational, if not polite,
What will be the swear words of tomorrow if today's become standard English? Perhaps from the un-Politically Correct words of today. Could
lifestyle/sexual orientation words become taboo if they are considered inconsiderate and impolite?
Yet today offensive "swear words" are still considered out of place in polite society. The mark of an educated person is his manner of speech,
his vocabulary, and his enunciation. It is considered to be representative of a poor, crude education to use these "low" words even though they are present
universally in the vocabulary of every adult. Some people also find off-color language offensive. and one must consider their wishes and respect their
sentiments and feelings in this matter.
by Corey B.
Use of foul language is unnecessary and can be harmful to other's feelings. Just as what others say can be offensive to me,
my words may be offensive to them. I am sorry for my poor choice of words and realize my faults. I was not
intending to hurt anyone but realize that I may have and for that I am truly sorry. I will use better judgment in the future and think before
I speak.
The "Infamous" Essay
by Rob L.
In the course of civilization, certain elements have existed in society that threaten to disrupt and even undermine it. Every person
holds within themselves these disruptive forces. It is our determination of our level of civilization by how well we suppress these forces. When
we no longer control these forces we either end up in total chaos or on The Jerry Springer Show. Rules of law and civil conduct
govern our actions and when we lapse in either one we contribute to the moral decay of our society. The undoing of our self control
starts, as with everything, in small overlookable occurrences. By not curbing these small oversights in control early, we promote
and unknowingly encourage the development of further deviant behavior. By stopping it early we help to create a person who is less likely
to lose self-control in the future.
When I said the statement that prompted this essay, I had a lapse in my self discipline, for which I apologize. In being reprimanded, I have
bolstered my anti-impulsive cheer and learn where the line is drawn. From now on, I will choose words more carefully, I will exercise
greater self control, and I will not just do it for your class but for all my classes and throughout the rest of this year.
Why We Should Not Use Profanity
by Nick Mc.
Why Cussin' Ain't Kosher
by Grandin D.
Profanity and Sanity
by Ruaraidh C.
Why Strong Language Should Not Be Used
by Owen S.
On Profanity
by Cyrus P.
by Rob A.
Why Shouldn't I Swear?
by Michelle B.
Why Shouldn't I Swear? Well, for one, I don't want to write this again!! The second reason is because I need to bring my grade up
in your class!! For future reference, please refer to the Student Handbook for punishment.
I also think all the noise that comes out of Josh F.'s mouth is useless. I believe it to be just as useless as profanity.
by Josh F.
The Evils of Cursing
by David B.
I am here writing this piece on the evils of cursing for the plain and simple reason that I said a bad word, a word so morally offensive that I
shan't repeat it for the social, ethical, moral and political ramifications its repetition would produce. This word was so offensive
that only one person paid it any mind.
Guilt is a terrible thing to waste, especially since guilt is a direct product of Judeo-Christian ethics, which are based entirely on guilt and I am Buddhist,
which means I follow the teachings of the Buddha Shakamuni, alias, Gautama Siddhartha, in which guilt does not exist. Guilt is an absurd concept
which leaves its unsuspecting victims feeling like another bad word, so horrendous, that no persons in our modern "open" society, based on "freedom of speech" would
be offended. It is absurd because it accomplished nothing. If a person were not to experience guilt, he/she would continue in his/her own way, after
the mistake had been made, back up and try it again, without wasting time feeling this guilt, thus doing penance or whatever for it.
Also, evil is a relative concept; for what truly is evil? In a society based on a religion based on guilt, this infraction that I did would be considered
so monstrous that I should be hung from the proverbial highest tree. However, if this "good" society in question were based on any other religion's
ethical system, I would be praised for being open enough to speak my mind.
That last sentence leads me right into this next paragraph. This country has a Constitution whose first amendment is "freedom of speech," which has previously
been mentioned.
I can retain this inalienable right for so long as I speak words which are not false, and interjective words, such as the one I stand on trial for saying
are rarely false first because they essentially say nothing, except for the fact that the person saying them screwed up by doing something, such as
accidentally dropping your neighbor's 3.5" disks, and second because they make the speaker feel better by allowing he/she to express his/her
spontaneous emotions he/she receives from doing something like drop three computer disks to the floor accidentally. It is also worth mentioning
that in this society based on guilt, mental problems are the number one health problems. These problems lead to insanity which leads ... murder.
The number one cause of mental illness is suppressed emotions. Emotions can be suppressed in many ways but the most common is the holding back of
such interjective words as the one I am writing this essay about in the first place. Perhaps there is a connection between the ethics of this country
and its mental problems.
Also, perhaps, this moral offensive word caused such great unrest in this world, by my saying it, that it halted democratic processes in Eastern
Europe, for fear that "freedom of speech" would lead to such vile debauchery.
As I have shown, this evil curse word I have spoke has caused so much social, ethical, moral, and political unrest that I shall never say it again
in your class. However, I contend that the abolition of such unnecessary restraints on "freedom of speech" based on an absurd concept would
lead to a freer, more un-[place here the ultimate curse word, the one so incredibly offensive; more horrendous than Belgium; that it is not to
be used in polite conversation; that sends children running away with ears ablaze, that makes all other curse words seem like child's play,
especially the one I spoke, and that has been reserved solely for artistic use, and even then, the user must be very careful to ensure its "proper"
use by monitoring intonation, the text in which it was used, and the overall expression of the user]-ed up society.
Faithfully and humbly submitted
to Your Expert, Most Highest
of all Masters of Pascal,
david b.
A Treatise on Cursing, Swearing, and Profanity
by Travis R.
Positively Profanity
by Billy S.
Why I Shouldn't Curse in Mr. Pleacher's Class; or Anywhere Else
by Kate H. #1
Why One Shouldn't Curse
by Kate H. #2
I Shall Not Swear
by George G.
by Jeffrey G.
by Craig L.
If you use profanity, it won't get you very far in life. If you use it while at work, you could get fired.
If you use it around friends, they might not have much respect for you. If you use it during church, you probably have a problem
God doesn't want his children to use profanity and if you do you might get punished.
by Kelly M.
Profanity is a form of language that is: a. blasphemous; b. nonreligious, secular; c. impure. Profanity could also be considered an imperfect
outlet for ill-temper or anger.
While profanity is a common part of the vocabulary of the young person today, it is an offensive speech habit that should be curbed by the speaker.
Personally, I would hope to refrain from the use of profanity in the future; for many reasons.
Profane language offends many people, young and old. One does not use it around parents, teachers, or any person that deserves respect, for
it places them in a position to not like you , and not respect you. If they do not respect you, they will not give you the consideration
deserved by everyone.
Profane language should not be uttered from anyone's mouth, for fear of offending Mr. Pleacher. It is a school rule that this sort of language, or outburst, not
become a presence in John Handley.
This student is profoundly sorry for offending the advisory and teacher of room 225 with this brutal verbal assault.
Kelly M.
by Ronnie A.
I can only think of a few reasons why a student in school should not use the profanity that means feces. One reason is that you could get in trouble.
If one student
says it, then it might inspire other students to start cussing. Maybe students should not cuss because they should set a good example for other
students (not that it would help). Even if it is a habit, you should stop yourself before you say it, then replace it with a more pleasant word.
An Apology
by Andy G.
A Hundred Apologies
by Zach G.
What is Considered Profane?
by David L.
Why I Shouldn't Use Vulgar Gestures
by Michael L.
by Fred T.
by Charles C.
Inappropriate Language Essay
by Sam S.
by Tony K.
by Chip C.
From the Desk of the Vice President
by Justin C.
by Justin C. #2
Cursing in Mathematics
by Kyle M.
by Allen D.
The moment I realized what I had said many thoughts ran through my head. "That was dumb!", "What an idiot I am," "I don't believe
what rubbish I just said", "What was I thinking?" all ran through my brain at the same time. I had done something very stupid
and followed it with saying something even more stupid.
By reading that story, I realize that by saying what I did it made me look more unintelligent than I already look. It also helped me
understand how bad it makes one look to say very stupid things like that. It is very uncool and if I ever get upset like that;
I hope to say something that does not make me look like a complete idiot.
Bad Language
by Michael K.
Bad language is a form of disrespect. I don't like to use the words but sometimes it just slips. Those words are not allowed in
my house so I don't know why I even say them. I really appreciate you giving me this 2nd chance beacuse now I know better. Sometimes I say
things without thinking. I will try to use my head next time something like this comes up.
Michael K.
by Matt K.
Well I read the paper. I see the message the minister was trying to get across but I think it's a rather silly way of putting it.
I don't think about it when I say the words. What I don't understand is who's to say what word is bad. Why is sh_t any worse
than shoot? I just don't understand. I know it's considered a curse word though. I was in regular conversation.
I didn't realize that I said it that loud. It's hard to get used to it though. You're the only teacher that takes action against it.
Most teachers let it pass. Lots of teachers use the words themselves, but I respect your feelings and discipline actions against it.
Well, I really didn't know what you wanted me to write so I just wrote all I knew to do and gave you my opinion on the matter. Sorry.
by Jonathan O.
I will not swear in school any more because I will say a geometric figure. Such as I will say, "Oh triangle." I was mad because
I had an A in Physics, then I turned in a lab that took me a while to do and got a 20/50 on it and it made me pretty mad.
Swearing isn't the solution to problems but it relieves stress and I don't have to relieve stress in a swearing manner.
I shouldn't cuss when I'm mad because it doesn't solve anything. Also, it makes people mad because they don't like to hear
such words.
So far I like square as my favorite word. I'm sorry for cussing in your class and I didn't mean to say it.
I won't cuss in your class anymore and will watch my mouth in the future.
Cussing is a pointless evil but it makes people feel overwhelmed with anger and don't know how to fix their problem.
Oh square! A page on this is so long and I don't know what else to write because I have nothing else to say on this matter.
by Bryan H.
I should have never cursed in your class because it was wrong and disrespectful to other people. I blurted it out and disrupted the class
and may have offended someone. I shouldn't curse in class and I was wrong for doing it.
by Eric D.
Upon reading an article by a Methodist minister concerning the use of profanity, I feel my thoughts on profanity are the same. First of all, If
am not Methodist, and second of all, I don't feel any minister has the right to interpret the Bible as he sees fit. How can we truly express
ourselves if we are limited by what we can say? In our world today it seems hard enough to get a point across, and without what some call "profanity",
I believe we would be limited as to expressing our true feelings. What in fact is it which makes a word profane? I believe what some call
profanity is actually a form of expression, and is it not true we have freedom of expression under the First Amendment? I believe the people
that put profanity into words are those who try to blot out those words, and try to make them unlawful and immoral.
by Kevin W.
You should not swear in class because you will get in big trouble. Swearing is not nice English and should not even exist.
Foul language does not sound nice. Swearing is not permitted by the Christian nor by any other faith although several people still swear.
There is not a computer in this school that knows that there are swear words that exist.
Math Expletives
by Josh F.
Why We Shouldn't Curse in School
by Denu V.
The Vulgarity Debate in Modern High School
by Crystal O. (in defense of Denu V.)
by Garth B.
Profanity should not be used in school for many reasons. The largest is that trouble will eventually follow the speaker and they
will find themselves in trouble. The next is the fact that with so many words which almost no one understands, could be used for the
same purpose. Such as the word Hell, when spoken attention is given to the speaker and everyone can understand what he or she means.
The effect would not be nearly so great if the word Hades was put in hell's place. Most would look at you like you were crazy.
Another big concern is what exactly profanity is. For many, it is similar but not exactly alike. For instance, I feel that
saying, "That game sucked" is not a bad sentence because it holds no profanity but Mr. Carpenter's views are different. He feels the word
suck has evil connotations attached. The same can be said of the word hell. I feel that hell is not a profane word unless
used at someone such as "Go to Hell." Then the meaning is changed. But as Mr. Pleacher believes hell is profane no matter
in what conjecture it was used. Thus who is to decide? The decision is left up to individuals since the 1st Amendment gives
the freedom of speech and since the student handbook does not provide any definition of profanity. The handbook does say, "to
keep your language and yes be respectful and not use profanity and obscenity." At no such time was I being disrespectful
of any one. The joke contained no profanity as to myself Hell is not a profanity.
Another argument is that profane words such as F u _ _ are not in a dictionary. And since hell is it must not be equated with
foul meaning. So, in conclusion, profanity should not be used but who can decide what profanity actually is. Disrespect
is one thing many words used in disrespectful ideas are profane.
Instead of Cursing
by Robert S.
I think after reading this sermon that I will find other words than profanity to show my emotions with.
This minister's sermon was pretty good. It was a clever way of getting his point across (using words other than profanity to show your emotions).
Anyway, when I even hear someone speak in that tone of voice it doesn't sound good. I don't care if you say it because you're mad or not. It
even makes you look bad. If you think before you speak you wouldn't have to worry about it anyway and that's what I have to start doing. But
after reading this sermon this makes me think twice about using profanity so I will stop.
by Joey P. #1
I am sorry I used bad language in your class. I know it was disrespectful to you and the other students in the class. I know it is
also against school rules so I promise not to use that kind of language in your class again.
by Joey P. #2 1-27-91
The reason I shouldn't cuss is because it's a bad habit and isn't right. Before I say things like that I should stop and think because
others might not want to hear it. The next time I'll think about what I am going to say before I say it, but it's hard because it's
a bad habit and bad habits are hard to break. I guess just because I cuss, everyone else doesn't and they don't care to hear it, so the
next time I plan to keep my thoughts to myself.
Foul Language
by Craig J.
To use foul language is to disrespect myself as disrespecting others. And I apologize for disrespecting myself as well as the class and
And again I'm sorry!
Why I Should Not Use Foul Language
by Bernie K.
The reason why I should not use foul language in school or out of school. First I should not use foul language because I should
be able to express myself in a better way. It is also unpleasant and inappropriate for school. If everyone used vulgar language
the day would be that much more vulgar and unpleasant.
With the day becoming more unpleasant in school it could run over into the weekends and with this unpleasantry seeping into society everywhere
it would just take up more time that could be spent making poetry which makes people feel good inside. So if instead of vulgarity I used
poetry then instead of spreading evil I would pass good and good would come back to me and the world would be a better place and because of
ugliness we would have great beauty and then the good would come out in us all!
by Aaron Q.
You should not use profanity because it is not smart or funny. It doesn't take any brains to use profanity. If you must convert
your anger into speech, you should do so without using profanity. You should not take the Lord's name in vain because it is against
the 10 Commandments. When you use profanity you offend other people.
by Freddie M. #1
On Friday of last week I was in math class and I said a curse word that I shouldn't have said. The reason that I said it was because I was telling
Joe what Ricky's step dad said on Halloween. And Mr. Pleacher heard me say it. I don't know what the bid deal is about saying what
I said because there are many teachers in the school that have said worse before. But anyway I was in the wrong for what I did and I am sorry.
by Freddie M. #2
Yesterday in math class I said something that I wasn't suppose to. I regret saying it and because Mr. Pleacher is such a nice person he gave me another
chance. He could have written me up for ASR but he didn't. He said next time that he would and I believe him but I don't think that
I will have to worry about it because I am going to watch my mouth a little more carefully.
Blame the parents
by James H. Advisory 2002
The use of so-called profanity, why is it not an accepted form of language? Children learn the language from their parents. And those
who learn it from kids is the same thing. because who taught those kids profanity? Parents, they teach you this language and tell you not to use
it. If we are not supposed to use it why do they use it and why do they teach it to us? Parents teach it to us because everywhere in the world
except high school it is an accepted part of the language.
As for the professor of profanity, he is a bit off the mark on how the real world works. In today's society it is difficult to get anyone's attention
unless you use colorful metaphors. Profanity can be successfully used as a means of putting emphasis on something said. You can't and would
not call someone geometric shapes it is so idiotic that does not even deserve mention in this essay.
What gives you or any other teacher or administrator the right to judge how God feels about profanity? I can see if I cussed at you how that could
be reason for action, but when you overhear someone using profanity it makes little sense to take objection to it. In conclusion, to err is human
to forgive divine.
by Edward T.
I strongly agree that profanity is senseless and makes the speaker seem uneducated, it is a resort turned to by many when they are at a loss
of anything more intelligent to say. However, in the case of more educated, fortunate people, when urged by anger or excitement, I disagree
in using as an alternative exclamations such as those quoted in the fisherwoman parable. Using such sophisticated, superfluous, and
unnecessary wording in front of others who may be of lesser character equally "deluges" them and in turn, the speaker is viewed by them as a
presumptuous arrogant man who thinks he is superior to others. This is an equally disadvantageous trait as using profanity, for it
leads to argument and being hated by others. I think it is instead better to not say anything and speak only when necessary.
It is a great virtue to remain quiet and unmoved, restraining one's self even in hostile company' this virtue is strongly advocated
by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin in their letters of advice to younger generations, and is one which I strive to attain.
I had the opportunity my sixteenth summer to work with a colorful group of individuals, some less fortunate than I and some of shady
background and character. It was a type of cultural experience and I gained a lot of knowledge about how others live and how to
cooperate with them, for I had to work with them eight hours a day for three months, working very hard side by side on assorted manual tasks.
In cooperating with those people and relating with them, I unfortunately picked up some certain verbal habits which they often used
when frustrated or tired of a long job, elated at winning a poker hand, or impressed at a particular object, such as a piece of machinery
or an engine. I have worked hard to drop these habits I picked up that summer, in trying to attain the virtue of silence,
but every now and then a profanity slips from my lips in excitement or anger. I am not perfect and don't think it healthy to be perfect.
by Klaus N.
Why you should not use bad words like Damn in school. This kind of bad language is not allowed in the school because it shows that you have
a bad attitude and makes a bad influence on your classmates when using this type of bad language in school. The word itself has a negative
tone to it. It is not nice to talk negative about people and putting them down with these negative words that bad words are.
The school I think tries to prevent people to say these words. It is good to do that because then the student learns that it is wrong
to use this kind of bad words. Instead they can learn to deal with situations when they would use bad words indifferently and not use
these kind of words to solve or express what they want to express. So the conclusion is that you should not use words like Damn and all
the other words that are not proper in school.
by Cynthia A.
I shouldn't use words like that because it's against school rules. What I don't understand is why teachers don't reprimand the students that
do it every day. So I've let that word slip quite a few times, big deal. Most teachers let that word slip by because when it's used
it's not being used offensively. It makes no sense why you yelled at me for saying it -- you don't say one single word to a few other
people who you have heard say it. It has been said loud enough that someone in the hall could've heard. Nut no. It doesn't matter.
It's people like me, the quiet type who never does anything wrong, who constantly gets into trouble. Teachers just pick on good students
just to make examples of them. But who cares? You yelled at me and made me feel 2 cm. tall. You raised your voice at me for
no reason. You could have calmly stated what you had to say. IU'm a very disturbed person dealing with 2 other teachers yelling at
me constantly. Considering I've had three deaths on top of that and a million problems to deal with, you just made me lose all the control I had.
Basically, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Of course, that's not good enough to justify my fit and it's not why I'm supposed to write. So, words like that are offensive to hear
and shouldn't be said. We students are supposed to be dignified, responsible people who watch what we say and do. We constantly
need to watch what we say. We should not let words slip. It could be very offensive to someone else. Besides that,
even if you let the word slip, you will get suspended. I could understand getting in trouble if it was purposely said, but if it slips
or if someone is repeating what another person has said I don't see the harm in it as long as the person doesn't keep saying it left and right.
I try to watch my mouth as much as possible but with that word it just comes out. I speak before I think basically. I apologize.
I will keep my mouth shut or leave the room for the rest of the year. That way you won't have to hear the word if it should come out of my mouth.
Why I Should Not Curse
by Paul H.
In a class like A.P. Calculus, the students are expected to be well-rounded, intelligent, and polite. While it is improper to use profanity
in any school setting, from clubs to sports to pep rallies, it is especially disturbing when a student deemed to be of a higher level uses
profanity for lack of better vocabulary. This is why I Paul H., should not curse in class. It is improper and has absolutely nothing
to do with math or school in general. In fact, I would certainly be a better person if I chose not to curse at all. If I did not curse,
the risk of offending someone or someone's beliefs would decrease substantially. I would also not run the risk of offending a higher being.
A classroom is a place of learning, and cursing has no learning value.
by Elyus W. 12-6-97
I think that using foul language is wrong in the 80s but here in the 90s that's all you hear. Not only do you hear it in American but people, kids, say it
in different languages. When you turn on the TV and watch a show you'll hear at least one bad word. That is because our society
is built on these words. Take sports for example. I have heard foul words used by coaches, players, and referees during the game.
That happens on John Handley field. To punish a person for using a bad word is not fair because this is what they hear every day in life.
So, it becomes second nature. People let bad words come out because they want to, but because they hear it so much in daily life. Shut up
is a bad word but still use it in and outside the classroom. Now tell me what is wrong with that?
by Trey G.
The English language has developed and grown unbelievably since its beginnings over a thousand years ago. Unfortunately, not all developments have
been beneficial. Profanity and the use of swear words are one part of our language that is never used to build up people or encourage,
but instead to tear down. The words and the use of them is demeaning and insulting.
Many words are "slang" replacements for words describing body parts and body functions. When we say these things using profanity, we mock
God's creation and what he has provided for us. When we use his name without reverence and respect, we mock God himself.
Often times, using swear words is just a way to get attention or attempt to make others think you're cool (in other words, the phrases are used just
for show). They are not necessarily any easier to use; and they are often in sentences where even the correct word would not be appropriate.
Certainly, it is not worth mocking God just to shock others.
It is also important to recognize proper social standards. Some words might not be mocking something or hurting someone, but they are
still wrong because they offend others. Keeping this in mind when talking to others will greatly enhance the clarity and quality of your conversations.
pressure, pressure, PRESSURE.
junior year, all this work.
AP Physics, which I know i'm going to fail.
A ten page paper due Friday in English.
My stupid computer program which sort of doesn't work.
I can't say damn,
some stupid little rule.
There are drug dealers in this school and I
can't say damn.
Where am I going to college?
What am I going to do with the rest of my life?
Will I ever be able to afford a car?
damn, I can't say damn.
a suspend-able offense.
offense -- good god, what is this world coming to?
more rules than anyone can remember.
conformity, conformity, conformity.
I can't say damn.
I really need a job.
screwy finances.
a dirty kitchen floor.
I need to learn how to clean the oven.
also how to sew a button on my shirt
and the equation for potential energy.
can't say damn.
gotta say darn.
Cussing, I know it's supposed to be vulgar and dirty, but before you can judge someone who cusses lets see what these words mean. Such as the F word, it's not in the dictionary so it must not be a word, so why do we call it a cuss word? Who took that word as being vulgar?
Dam and hell are in the Bible yet the Bible is a holy book filled with many beautiful things and words, yet these are considered dirty words.
I know B_T_H means a female dog but why is that considered bad or dirty? If you call someone a female dog or the B word it just means they either act or look like a female dog, or is a son of a female dog. It may not be the nicest thing to say bit it wouldn't be considered vulgar. Example of another female dog saying is: "Life's a female dog."
Don't get me wrong, I am aware cussing is not right but sometimes when you vent your anger, you use profanity by accident, or are trying to explain something to someone else and just happen to get caught in the moment, that doesn't mean it's excusable of course.
Instead of S_IT you can say:
DOODOO happens, or even the more popular saying: Triangular equations happen.
I understand the reason for your concern, so I will indeed learn from the lesson of using mathematical equations instead of profanity, and the first mother rhombus that tries to triangular my cussing I'll kick their circle.
I actually thought a bit about why I shouldn't swear -- and especially in Math class. I really do try not to swear even outside of school, but I should not even have to try to not swear.
One reason I should not swear is the fact that it can be very unattractive to others around me. People who I might be hoping to develop some sort of friendship or other relationship with will possibly be turned off. This applies to the character which I hope to show MR. Pleacher in hopes of earning his respect, but I will not get very far from disrespecting his classroom with my language.
I also have personal objections to profanity. I think it shows unbecoming character, a lack of discipline, and a lack of control over one's built-up feelings. It is going to be one of my more serious goals in the immediate future to not swear. Hopefully, I can set a higher standard of honor for myself.
Lastly, profanity is against God's commandments. I suppose I shouldn't speak too much about religion in school -- but this above all other reasons offers me the inspiration to not swear.
So, Mr. Pleacher, I am sorry for swearing in your class. I hope that this incident has not lowered your personal opinion of my character.
Stu B.
Today in calculus, I made a comment concerning a product that is of an inappropriate nature. It was rude and inconsiderate to my peers and my teacher. I thought it was humorous but it was neither the time nor the place to make such a comment. I made the mistake of not thinking before I spoke. It only made me look stupid and I regret making the comment in the first place. Sorry, Pops -- it won't happen again.
I'm sitting in detention writing this essay on why I used foul language in Mr. Pleacher's C++ Programming class. It all started when some right triangle people broke shutty in my house. Note I made up a word for the word I said in class. To be truthful, it's a shame that I cannot say what I want when I want. In perspective, who made a cuss word a cuss word anyway? To me, words are a way to vent your anger. It would be better to cuss than to kill or vent my anger in any other destructive way. In my world, math is a cuss word. So, who is to say what is a cuss? I think society needs to change.
In all actuality, I forgot what I was supposed to write about in this essay. So if I ever get angry again, I will rant and rave about the sin, cos, and tan of the right triangle divided by the square root of the hexagonal figure's area multiplied by the absolute value of the binary code minus the ASCII table plus the number of apples in a bushel minus all the extra credit I did not do.
Cussing is bad. The story about the Fish Woman cussing and the Professor telling her off without her knowing it was very interesting. I have learned that cussing isn't necessary and just rude, a much better way is the style the Professor used to the Fish lady, it wasn't rude and got his point across. Cussing is bad I won't do it again.
Traditional views hold that there is no place in society for "swear" words. Many people claim to find them offensive and insulting. However, they are, in fact, only words. What has real meaning is the sentiment and feelings behind these words. It is possible to be just as insulting using only "proper English" as it is with curses. Words that are considered off-color, or foul, really pose no problem when used merely as expressions intended to describe a degree of something, i.e., "a hell of a lot," etc.
Many words once considered unspeakable are now part of the common vocabulary of most English-speaking people. Attending a high school health class and hearing students and teachers discussing intimate body parts, it is extremely easy to see how "unspeakable" words have become part of conversational, if not polite, English.
What will be the swear words of tomorrow if today's become standard English? Perhaps from the un-Politically Correct words of today. Could lifestyle/sexual orientation words become taboo if they are considered inconsiderate and impolite?
Yet today offensive "swear words" are still considered out of place in polite society. The mark of an educated person is his manner of speech, his vocabulary, and his enunciation. It is considered to be representative of a poor, crude education to use these "low" words even though they are present universally in the vocabulary of every adult. Some people also find off-color language offensive. and one must consider their wishes and respect their sentiments and feelings in this matter.
Use of foul language is unnecessary and can be harmful to other's feelings. Just as what others say can be offensive to me, my words may be offensive to them. I am sorry for my poor choice of words and realize my faults. I was not intending to hurt anyone but realize that I may have and for that I am truly sorry. I will use better judgment in the future and think before I speak.
In the course of civilization, certain elements have existed in society that threaten to disrupt and even undermine it. Every person holds within themselves these disruptive forces. It is our determination of our level of civilization by how well we suppress these forces. When we no longer control these forces we either end up in total chaos or on The Jerry Springer Show. Rules of law and civil conduct govern our actions and when we lapse in either one we contribute to the moral decay of our society. The undoing of our self control starts, as with everything, in small overlookable occurrences. By not curbing these small oversights in control early, we promote and unknowingly encourage the development of further deviant behavior. By stopping it early we help to create a person who is less likely to lose self-control in the future.
When I said the statement that prompted this essay, I had a lapse in my self discipline, for which I apologize. In being reprimanded, I have bolstered my anti-impulsive cheer and learn where the line is drawn. From now on, I will choose words more carefully, I will exercise greater self control, and I will not just do it for your class but for all my classes and throughout the rest of this year.






Why Shouldn't I Swear? Well, for one, I don't want to write this again!! The second reason is because I need to bring my grade up in your class!! For future reference, please refer to the Student Handbook for punishment.
I also think all the noise that comes out of Josh F.'s mouth is useless. I believe it to be just as useless as profanity.

I am here writing this piece on the evils of cursing for the plain and simple reason that I said a bad word, a word so morally offensive that I shan't repeat it for the social, ethical, moral and political ramifications its repetition would produce. This word was so offensive that only one person paid it any mind.
Guilt is a terrible thing to waste, especially since guilt is a direct product of Judeo-Christian ethics, which are based entirely on guilt and I am Buddhist, which means I follow the teachings of the Buddha Shakamuni, alias, Gautama Siddhartha, in which guilt does not exist. Guilt is an absurd concept which leaves its unsuspecting victims feeling like another bad word, so horrendous, that no persons in our modern "open" society, based on "freedom of speech" would be offended. It is absurd because it accomplished nothing. If a person were not to experience guilt, he/she would continue in his/her own way, after the mistake had been made, back up and try it again, without wasting time feeling this guilt, thus doing penance or whatever for it.
Also, evil is a relative concept; for what truly is evil? In a society based on a religion based on guilt, this infraction that I did would be considered so monstrous that I should be hung from the proverbial highest tree. However, if this "good" society in question were based on any other religion's ethical system, I would be praised for being open enough to speak my mind.
That last sentence leads me right into this next paragraph. This country has a Constitution whose first amendment is "freedom of speech," which has previously been mentioned. I can retain this inalienable right for so long as I speak words which are not false, and interjective words, such as the one I stand on trial for saying are rarely false first because they essentially say nothing, except for the fact that the person saying them screwed up by doing something, such as accidentally dropping your neighbor's 3.5" disks, and second because they make the speaker feel better by allowing he/she to express his/her spontaneous emotions he/she receives from doing something like drop three computer disks to the floor accidentally. It is also worth mentioning that in this society based on guilt, mental problems are the number one health problems. These problems lead to insanity which leads ... murder. The number one cause of mental illness is suppressed emotions. Emotions can be suppressed in many ways but the most common is the holding back of such interjective words as the one I am writing this essay about in the first place. Perhaps there is a connection between the ethics of this country and its mental problems.
Also, perhaps, this moral offensive word caused such great unrest in this world, by my saying it, that it halted democratic processes in Eastern Europe, for fear that "freedom of speech" would lead to such vile debauchery.
As I have shown, this evil curse word I have spoke has caused so much social, ethical, moral, and political unrest that I shall never say it again in your class. However, I contend that the abolition of such unnecessary restraints on "freedom of speech" based on an absurd concept would lead to a freer, more un-[place here the ultimate curse word, the one so incredibly offensive; more horrendous than Belgium; that it is not to be used in polite conversation; that sends children running away with ears ablaze, that makes all other curse words seem like child's play, especially the one I spoke, and that has been reserved solely for artistic use, and even then, the user must be very careful to ensure its "proper" use by monitoring intonation, the text in which it was used, and the overall expression of the user]-ed up society.
Faithfully and humbly submitted
to Your Expert, Most Highest
of all Masters of Pascal,
david b.






If you use profanity, it won't get you very far in life. If you use it while at work, you could get fired. If you use it around friends, they might not have much respect for you. If you use it during church, you probably have a problem God doesn't want his children to use profanity and if you do you might get punished.
Profanity is a form of language that is: a. blasphemous; b. nonreligious, secular; c. impure. Profanity could also be considered an imperfect outlet for ill-temper or anger.
While profanity is a common part of the vocabulary of the young person today, it is an offensive speech habit that should be curbed by the speaker.
Personally, I would hope to refrain from the use of profanity in the future; for many reasons.
Profane language offends many people, young and old. One does not use it around parents, teachers, or any person that deserves respect, for it places them in a position to not like you , and not respect you. If they do not respect you, they will not give you the consideration deserved by everyone.
Profane language should not be uttered from anyone's mouth, for fear of offending Mr. Pleacher. It is a school rule that this sort of language, or outburst, not become a presence in John Handley.
This student is profoundly sorry for offending the advisory and teacher of room 225 with this brutal verbal assault.
Kelly M.
I can only think of a few reasons why a student in school should not use the profanity that means feces. One reason is that you could get in trouble. If one student says it, then it might inspire other students to start cussing. Maybe students should not cuss because they should set a good example for other students (not that it would help). Even if it is a habit, you should stop yourself before you say it, then replace it with a more pleasant word.












The moment I realized what I had said many thoughts ran through my head. "That was dumb!", "What an idiot I am," "I don't believe what rubbish I just said", "What was I thinking?" all ran through my brain at the same time. I had done something very stupid and followed it with saying something even more stupid.
By reading that story, I realize that by saying what I did it made me look more unintelligent than I already look. It also helped me understand how bad it makes one look to say very stupid things like that. It is very uncool and if I ever get upset like that; I hope to say something that does not make me look like a complete idiot.
Bad language is a form of disrespect. I don't like to use the words but sometimes it just slips. Those words are not allowed in my house so I don't know why I even say them. I really appreciate you giving me this 2nd chance beacuse now I know better. Sometimes I say things without thinking. I will try to use my head next time something like this comes up.
Michael K.
Well I read the paper. I see the message the minister was trying to get across but I think it's a rather silly way of putting it. I don't think about it when I say the words. What I don't understand is who's to say what word is bad. Why is sh_t any worse than shoot? I just don't understand. I know it's considered a curse word though. I was in regular conversation. I didn't realize that I said it that loud. It's hard to get used to it though. You're the only teacher that takes action against it. Most teachers let it pass. Lots of teachers use the words themselves, but I respect your feelings and discipline actions against it. Well, I really didn't know what you wanted me to write so I just wrote all I knew to do and gave you my opinion on the matter. Sorry.
I will not swear in school any more because I will say a geometric figure. Such as I will say, "Oh triangle." I was mad because I had an A in Physics, then I turned in a lab that took me a while to do and got a 20/50 on it and it made me pretty mad.
Swearing isn't the solution to problems but it relieves stress and I don't have to relieve stress in a swearing manner. I shouldn't cuss when I'm mad because it doesn't solve anything. Also, it makes people mad because they don't like to hear such words.
So far I like square as my favorite word. I'm sorry for cussing in your class and I didn't mean to say it.
I won't cuss in your class anymore and will watch my mouth in the future.
Cussing is a pointless evil but it makes people feel overwhelmed with anger and don't know how to fix their problem.
Oh square! A page on this is so long and I don't know what else to write because I have nothing else to say on this matter.
I should have never cursed in your class because it was wrong and disrespectful to other people. I blurted it out and disrupted the class and may have offended someone. I shouldn't curse in class and I was wrong for doing it.
Upon reading an article by a Methodist minister concerning the use of profanity, I feel my thoughts on profanity are the same. First of all, If am not Methodist, and second of all, I don't feel any minister has the right to interpret the Bible as he sees fit. How can we truly express ourselves if we are limited by what we can say? In our world today it seems hard enough to get a point across, and without what some call "profanity", I believe we would be limited as to expressing our true feelings. What in fact is it which makes a word profane? I believe what some call profanity is actually a form of expression, and is it not true we have freedom of expression under the First Amendment? I believe the people that put profanity into words are those who try to blot out those words, and try to make them unlawful and immoral.
You should not swear in class because you will get in big trouble. Swearing is not nice English and should not even exist. Foul language does not sound nice. Swearing is not permitted by the Christian nor by any other faith although several people still swear.
There is not a computer in this school that knows that there are swear words that exist.



Profanity should not be used in school for many reasons. The largest is that trouble will eventually follow the speaker and they will find themselves in trouble. The next is the fact that with so many words which almost no one understands, could be used for the same purpose. Such as the word Hell, when spoken attention is given to the speaker and everyone can understand what he or she means. The effect would not be nearly so great if the word Hades was put in hell's place. Most would look at you like you were crazy.
Another big concern is what exactly profanity is. For many, it is similar but not exactly alike. For instance, I feel that saying, "That game sucked" is not a bad sentence because it holds no profanity but Mr. Carpenter's views are different. He feels the word suck has evil connotations attached. The same can be said of the word hell. I feel that hell is not a profane word unless used at someone such as "Go to Hell." Then the meaning is changed. But as Mr. Pleacher believes hell is profane no matter in what conjecture it was used. Thus who is to decide? The decision is left up to individuals since the 1st Amendment gives the freedom of speech and since the student handbook does not provide any definition of profanity. The handbook does say, "to keep your language and yes be respectful and not use profanity and obscenity." At no such time was I being disrespectful of any one. The joke contained no profanity as to myself Hell is not a profanity.
Another argument is that profane words such as F u _ _ are not in a dictionary. And since hell is it must not be equated with foul meaning. So, in conclusion, profanity should not be used but who can decide what profanity actually is. Disrespect is one thing many words used in disrespectful ideas are profane.
I think after reading this sermon that I will find other words than profanity to show my emotions with. This minister's sermon was pretty good. It was a clever way of getting his point across (using words other than profanity to show your emotions). Anyway, when I even hear someone speak in that tone of voice it doesn't sound good. I don't care if you say it because you're mad or not. It even makes you look bad. If you think before you speak you wouldn't have to worry about it anyway and that's what I have to start doing. But after reading this sermon this makes me think twice about using profanity so I will stop.
I am sorry I used bad language in your class. I know it was disrespectful to you and the other students in the class. I know it is also against school rules so I promise not to use that kind of language in your class again.
The reason I shouldn't cuss is because it's a bad habit and isn't right. Before I say things like that I should stop and think because others might not want to hear it. The next time I'll think about what I am going to say before I say it, but it's hard because it's a bad habit and bad habits are hard to break. I guess just because I cuss, everyone else doesn't and they don't care to hear it, so the next time I plan to keep my thoughts to myself.
To use foul language is to disrespect myself as disrespecting others. And I apologize for disrespecting myself as well as the class and you.
And again I'm sorry!
The reason why I should not use foul language in school or out of school. First I should not use foul language because I should be able to express myself in a better way. It is also unpleasant and inappropriate for school. If everyone used vulgar language the day would be that much more vulgar and unpleasant.
With the day becoming more unpleasant in school it could run over into the weekends and with this unpleasantry seeping into society everywhere it would just take up more time that could be spent making poetry which makes people feel good inside. So if instead of vulgarity I used poetry then instead of spreading evil I would pass good and good would come back to me and the world would be a better place and because of ugliness we would have great beauty and then the good would come out in us all!
You should not use profanity because it is not smart or funny. It doesn't take any brains to use profanity. If you must convert your anger into speech, you should do so without using profanity. You should not take the Lord's name in vain because it is against the 10 Commandments. When you use profanity you offend other people.
On Friday of last week I was in math class and I said a curse word that I shouldn't have said. The reason that I said it was because I was telling Joe what Ricky's step dad said on Halloween. And Mr. Pleacher heard me say it. I don't know what the bid deal is about saying what I said because there are many teachers in the school that have said worse before. But anyway I was in the wrong for what I did and I am sorry.
Yesterday in math class I said something that I wasn't suppose to. I regret saying it and because Mr. Pleacher is such a nice person he gave me another chance. He could have written me up for ASR but he didn't. He said next time that he would and I believe him but I don't think that I will have to worry about it because I am going to watch my mouth a little more carefully.
The use of so-called profanity, why is it not an accepted form of language? Children learn the language from their parents. And those who learn it from kids is the same thing. because who taught those kids profanity? Parents, they teach you this language and tell you not to use it. If we are not supposed to use it why do they use it and why do they teach it to us? Parents teach it to us because everywhere in the world except high school it is an accepted part of the language.
As for the professor of profanity, he is a bit off the mark on how the real world works. In today's society it is difficult to get anyone's attention unless you use colorful metaphors. Profanity can be successfully used as a means of putting emphasis on something said. You can't and would not call someone geometric shapes it is so idiotic that does not even deserve mention in this essay.
What gives you or any other teacher or administrator the right to judge how God feels about profanity? I can see if I cussed at you how that could be reason for action, but when you overhear someone using profanity it makes little sense to take objection to it. In conclusion, to err is human to forgive divine.
I strongly agree that profanity is senseless and makes the speaker seem uneducated, it is a resort turned to by many when they are at a loss of anything more intelligent to say. However, in the case of more educated, fortunate people, when urged by anger or excitement, I disagree in using as an alternative exclamations such as those quoted in the fisherwoman parable. Using such sophisticated, superfluous, and unnecessary wording in front of others who may be of lesser character equally "deluges" them and in turn, the speaker is viewed by them as a presumptuous arrogant man who thinks he is superior to others. This is an equally disadvantageous trait as using profanity, for it leads to argument and being hated by others. I think it is instead better to not say anything and speak only when necessary. It is a great virtue to remain quiet and unmoved, restraining one's self even in hostile company' this virtue is strongly advocated by Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin in their letters of advice to younger generations, and is one which I strive to attain.
I had the opportunity my sixteenth summer to work with a colorful group of individuals, some less fortunate than I and some of shady background and character. It was a type of cultural experience and I gained a lot of knowledge about how others live and how to cooperate with them, for I had to work with them eight hours a day for three months, working very hard side by side on assorted manual tasks. In cooperating with those people and relating with them, I unfortunately picked up some certain verbal habits which they often used when frustrated or tired of a long job, elated at winning a poker hand, or impressed at a particular object, such as a piece of machinery or an engine. I have worked hard to drop these habits I picked up that summer, in trying to attain the virtue of silence, but every now and then a profanity slips from my lips in excitement or anger. I am not perfect and don't think it healthy to be perfect.
Why you should not use bad words like Damn in school. This kind of bad language is not allowed in the school because it shows that you have a bad attitude and makes a bad influence on your classmates when using this type of bad language in school. The word itself has a negative tone to it. It is not nice to talk negative about people and putting them down with these negative words that bad words are.
The school I think tries to prevent people to say these words. It is good to do that because then the student learns that it is wrong to use this kind of bad words. Instead they can learn to deal with situations when they would use bad words indifferently and not use these kind of words to solve or express what they want to express. So the conclusion is that you should not use words like Damn and all the other words that are not proper in school.
I shouldn't use words like that because it's against school rules. What I don't understand is why teachers don't reprimand the students that do it every day. So I've let that word slip quite a few times, big deal. Most teachers let that word slip by because when it's used it's not being used offensively. It makes no sense why you yelled at me for saying it -- you don't say one single word to a few other people who you have heard say it. It has been said loud enough that someone in the hall could've heard. Nut no. It doesn't matter. It's people like me, the quiet type who never does anything wrong, who constantly gets into trouble. Teachers just pick on good students just to make examples of them. But who cares? You yelled at me and made me feel 2 cm. tall. You raised your voice at me for no reason. You could have calmly stated what you had to say. IU'm a very disturbed person dealing with 2 other teachers yelling at me constantly. Considering I've had three deaths on top of that and a million problems to deal with, you just made me lose all the control I had. Basically, it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Of course, that's not good enough to justify my fit and it's not why I'm supposed to write. So, words like that are offensive to hear and shouldn't be said. We students are supposed to be dignified, responsible people who watch what we say and do. We constantly need to watch what we say. We should not let words slip. It could be very offensive to someone else. Besides that, even if you let the word slip, you will get suspended. I could understand getting in trouble if it was purposely said, but if it slips or if someone is repeating what another person has said I don't see the harm in it as long as the person doesn't keep saying it left and right. I try to watch my mouth as much as possible but with that word it just comes out. I speak before I think basically. I apologize. I will keep my mouth shut or leave the room for the rest of the year. That way you won't have to hear the word if it should come out of my mouth.
In a class like A.P. Calculus, the students are expected to be well-rounded, intelligent, and polite. While it is improper to use profanity in any school setting, from clubs to sports to pep rallies, it is especially disturbing when a student deemed to be of a higher level uses profanity for lack of better vocabulary. This is why I Paul H., should not curse in class. It is improper and has absolutely nothing to do with math or school in general. In fact, I would certainly be a better person if I chose not to curse at all. If I did not curse, the risk of offending someone or someone's beliefs would decrease substantially. I would also not run the risk of offending a higher being. A classroom is a place of learning, and cursing has no learning value.
I think that using foul language is wrong in the 80s but here in the 90s that's all you hear. Not only do you hear it in American but people, kids, say it in different languages. When you turn on the TV and watch a show you'll hear at least one bad word. That is because our society is built on these words. Take sports for example. I have heard foul words used by coaches, players, and referees during the game. That happens on John Handley field. To punish a person for using a bad word is not fair because this is what they hear every day in life. So, it becomes second nature. People let bad words come out because they want to, but because they hear it so much in daily life. Shut up is a bad word but still use it in and outside the classroom. Now tell me what is wrong with that?
The English language has developed and grown unbelievably since its beginnings over a thousand years ago. Unfortunately, not all developments have been beneficial. Profanity and the use of swear words are one part of our language that is never used to build up people or encourage, but instead to tear down. The words and the use of them is demeaning and insulting.
Many words are "slang" replacements for words describing body parts and body functions. When we say these things using profanity, we mock God's creation and what he has provided for us. When we use his name without reverence and respect, we mock God himself.
Often times, using swear words is just a way to get attention or attempt to make others think you're cool (in other words, the phrases are used just for show). They are not necessarily any easier to use; and they are often in sentences where even the correct word would not be appropriate. Certainly, it is not worth mocking God just to shock others.
It is also important to recognize proper social standards. Some words might not be mocking something or hurting someone, but they are still wrong because they offend others. Keeping this in mind when talking to others will greatly enhance the clarity and quality of your conversations.