Definitions play an important role in mathematics.
Determine the answer to each of the definitions below
and fill in the crossword puzzle with your answers.

1. What the prison inmate did to while away his time by raising insects.
4. Peyton Mann asked the bus driver whether he stopped at Eleventh and G Streets,
and the bus driver replied, "_____."
6. A place where criminals are sent.
7. A highway divider.
8. Mary Lou asked her aunt, who was engaged in needlework, "_____?"
10. While trick-or-treating on Halloween night, one third grade boy quiveringly told his friend,
"Let's not go near the _____."
13. Dashing Dan, the movie hero, straight-forwardly accused the crooked gambler
of being a _____.
15. A Sultan's act.
17. After Bill returned from his winter vacation in Florida, people turned and said as
he walked by, "My, what a _____."
18. What the student said after seeing a bunch of laughing people.
21. Why the greeting card came after your birthday.
25. The amount of food one of the Denver Broncos eats at a meal.
26. A place for captured butterflies.
27. For listening but not watching.
1. A double-decker billboard.
2. When Leonardo Boloni, the Italian math student, heard about the ban on firearms, he
exclaimed, "You mean-a-we-can't-a-have-a-______."
3. Latin American dances.
5. A tall kettle on the fire.
9. A hotel book keeper.
11. Bill Harper was introducing his latest girl friend Ann to his buddy Alex, and he
exuberantly exclaimed to him, "_____!"
12. The Roller Derby girl quickly yelled to her teammate, "_____!"
14. A bent line that's been in an accident.
19. Donnie Dogood addressed the get well card to his _____.
20. A group of notes.
22. The man in charge.
23. An ice cream container.
24. A song in an opera.
28. A gauge that won't take nickels.