Answers to Mathematical Definitions — Calculus
Definitions play an important role in mathematics.
Determine the answer to each of the definitions below
(the blanks indicate the number of letters in the word):
1. A person who is kin to another:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Something that never changes:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. A father upon seeing the bathroom door closed, muttered to himself,
"Is that daughter of mine _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?"
4. The sheriff after discovering the escaped prisoner's underground hideout,
radioed his deputy, " I have found the
_ _ _ _ _ _ ."
5. While trick-or-treating on Halloween night, one third grade boy timidly
told his friend, "Let's not go near the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."
6. After Bill returned from his winter vacation in Florida, people turned
and said as he walked by, "My, what a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."
7. A hotel bookkeeper: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. A bent line that's been in an accident:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. Donnie Dogood addressed the get well card to his _ _ _ _ _ _ .
10. An ice cream container: _ _ _ _
11. A song in an opera: _ _ _ _
12. How you make a sweater: _ _ _ _
13. A sharp weapon: _ _ _ _ _ _
14. When Sleeping Beauty awakened from the witch's spell by the kiss of the
handsome prince, she sighed,
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."
15. Three-timer Tom, notable convict-poet, cleverly called his latest book,
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."
16. Father had dallied with the boys at the office and had come in the front
door an hour late. His young son quickly told him,
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."
17. During the operation, the doctor turned to the nurse and said, "Inject
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ."
18. What do you call two handbell ringers? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _