Geometry Definitions #5 —
First Semester Words
A Puzzle by David Pleacher

Definitions play an important role in mathematics.   Determine the answer to each of the definitions below and fill in the crossword puzzle with your answers.


1. A flattering remark.

6. A sharp weapon.

7. What did the man do when his mother-in-law wanted to go home?

10. Where you put your lightning bugs.

11. A place where criminals are sent.

12. A song in an opera.

14. Father had dallied with the boys at the office and had come home an hour late. His young son quickly told him, "______."

15. An ice cream container.

16. The English teacher was conducting a lesson on tenses. She said, "Class, I see the leaves, ______, I have seen the leaves." instruction, which included a calculator, a ruler, and a ______.

22. Three-timer Tim, notable convict-poet, cleverly called his latest book, "_____."

23. The Indian Chief cried to his best brave in the heat of the battle, "_____!"

24. How do you make a sweater?

25. What do you call a crushed angle?

29. How does the geometry student's dog bark? (Actually, the dog says this word twice)


1. Where escaped prisoners hide out.

2. A Sultan's act.

3. Not fake.

4. What the little acorn said when it grew up.

5. How the poet wrote his love.

8. What the prison inmate did to while away his time by raising insects.

9. A gauge that won't take nickels.

12. Tim told his friend, "That new girl in school is really _____ girl."

13. King of the Jungle (the way a West Virginian would say it).

14. To be in favor of farm machinery.

17. While trick-or-treating on Halloween night, one little boy told his friend, "Let's not go near the ______."

18. A place where sales are made.

19. An appliance made for listening but not watching.

20. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Kole who became a knight.

21. After reading these stupid definitions, one geometry student muttered, "Our geometry teacher is a real ______."

26. During the operation, the doctor told the nurse, "Inject the _____ ."

27. The man in charge.

28. Chris whispered to Vickie, "That geometry teacher of ours is really _____ klutz."

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher