Geometry Definitions #7
A Puzzle by David Pleacher

Definitions play an important role in mathematics.   Determine the answer to each of the definitions below and fill in the crossword puzzle with your answers.


2. A flattering remark

6. A food that is a dessert

8. What the little acorn said when it grew up.

9. Steve was introducing his latest girl friend Ann to his buddy Ray, and he exuberantly exclaimed to him, "_____!"

10. The King or Queen or President

11. The Roller Derby girl quickly yelled to her teammate, "_____!"

12. A prisoner's poem

14. A broken angle

17. A Sultan's act.

18. They voted YES for better tractors

20. What the student said after seeing a bunch of laughing people.


1. What a person should do when it rains.

2. Where escaped prisoners hide out

3. The King of the Jungle (the way that a Southerner would say it).

4. A dog that died.

5. A place where items are sold.

7. How the French Revolutionist would get rid of his enemy.

11. What the prison inmate did to while away his time by raising insects.

12. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Koles who became a knight.

13. Why the greeting card came after your birthday

15. During the operation, the doctor turned to the nurse and said, "Inject the _____."

16. Not hip.

19. Not artificial.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher