A Good Math Teacher ...
by Bob Hamada in Mathematics and Humor
A good mathematics teacher, like
has better ideas.
Pan Am,
makes the going great.
Bayer aspirin,
works wonders.
General Electric,
lights your path.
Hallmark cards,
cares enough to give the very best.
is the real thing.
has a lot to give.
gets the stain out that others leave behind.
VO-5 Hair spray,
holds through all kinds of weather.
Ivory soap,
is 100% pure, mathematically speaking.
makes you feel groovy.
Frosted Flskes,
makes you feel gr-r-r-reat!
has everything.
Master Charge,
is good for emergencies.
State Farm,
is like a good neighbor, always near.
Good mathematics teachers are like
Mattel toys:
You know they're swell.
Dial Soap:
Aren't you glad you know them? Don't you wish everybody did?
Alka Seltzer:
Try them, you'll like them.
All State:
You're in good hands.