Mathematical Riddles

What did the acorn say when he grew up?
Answer: Geometry (Gee, I'm a tree!)

What do you call friiends who love math?
Answer: AlgeBROS

Why couldn't the angle get a loan?
Answer: Its parents wouldn't cosine.

Why did the student get upset when his teacher called him average?
Answer: It was a mean thing to say!

Why doesn’t anybody talk to circles?
Answer: Because there’s no point!

What do baby parabolas drink?
Answer: Quadratic formula.

What is a math teacher’s favorite vacation destination?
Answer: Times Square!

What are the most important things about a decimal point?
Answer: Location!   Location!   Location!

Why is simplifying a fraction like powdering your nose?
Answer: It improves the appearance without changing the value.

What is a parrot apt to do if he sees a cat?
Answer: Polyhedron (Poly, He'd run!)

Who was the roundest knight at King Arthur's round table?
Answer: Sir Cumference

What do you call an insect that's not feeling well?
Answer: A secant (sick ant)

What is the opposite of a stop sign?
Answer: A cosine. (A go sign!)

What do you call a parrot that should go on a diet?
Answer: A polynomial (Poly, no meal!)

What branch of mathematics is studied by the very young?
Answer: Topology.

What math is discussed between sea gulls?
Answer: Integral Calculus (Inter-gull Calculus).

What do you call two bolas?
Answer: A Parabola (A Pair o' Bola)

Why are huge chrysanthemums like some parabolas?
Answer: Because they're both maximums.

What does a mathemaician read every Sunday morning?
Answer: The Conic Section (The Comic section)

Why did they put the mathematician in prison?
Answer: He tried to kil o meter.

Why is the meter stick such a stubborn ruler?
Answer: Because he won't give an inch.

What will happen to the inch worm when we go to metric?
Answer: He'll become a centipede.

Why is April 1st so tired?
Answer: You'd be tired, too, after 31 days of March!

What do clowns do after April 30th?
Answer: Matrix (May tricks)

What do mathematicians sleep on?
Answer: Matrices, of course!

What do you get when you cross a pigeon and a zero?
Answer: A Flying Nun!

Why do you rarely find mathematicians spending time at the beach?
Answer: Because they have sine and cosine to get a tan and don't need the sun!

What do you get when you cross an elephant and a banana?
Answer: |elephant|*|banana|*sin(theta)

What do you get when you cross an elephant and a mountain climber?
Answer: It's undefined, since the mountain climber is a "scaler".

"How many seconds are there in a year?"
Answer: "Twelve. January second, February second, March second, ..."

How do we know that the following fractions are in Europe? A/C, X/C and W/C ?
Answer: Because their numerators are all over C's.

Why was six afraid of seven?
Answer: Because 7 8 9. ... Did 7 have Pi for dessert?
(submitted by Roxanne Eckenrode)

Do you know why seven eight nine?
Answer: Because you're supposed to eat three squared meals a day!

How do you make seven even?
Answer: Take away the s.

What did 0 say to 8??
Answer: Nice belt.

What did one math book say to the other?
Answer: Don't bother me! I've got my own problems!

Why did the chicken cross the Moebius strip?
Answer: To get to the other ... er, um ...

How many times can you subtract 7 from 83, and what is left afterwards?
Answer: I can subtract it as many times as I want, and it leaves 76 every time.

Did you hear the one about the statistician?
Answer: Probably....

Why do mathematicians like national parks?
Answer: Because of the natural logs.

What does trigonometry have in common with a beach?
Answer: Tan Gents

How do hearing impared people greet one another?
Answer: They sine waves.
(For a microwave you just use your pinky.)

How many mathematical logicians does it take to replace a lightbulb??
Answer: None: They can't do it, but they can prove that it can be done.

How many numerical analysts does it take to replace a lightbulb??
Answer: 3.9967: (after six iterations).

How many classical geometers does it take to replace a lightbulb??
Answer: None: You can't do it with a straight edge and a compass.

How many mathematicians does it take to replace a lightbulb??
Answer: None.   It is left to the reader as an exercise.

How many mathematicians does it take to replace a lightbulb??
Answer: The answer is obvious.

What do you call a teapot of boiling water on top of mount everest?
Answer: A high-pot-in-use

What do you call a broken record?
Answer: A Decca-gone

What kind of insect is good at math?
Answer: The account-ant.

After a big meal together, ask someone: What is the square root of -1/64?
Answer: I overate (or i/8)

Can an English major learn Math?
Answer: Cosecant!       (Course he can't)

What is 8 divided in two parts?
Answer: Vertically it is 3,   horizontally it is 0.

How do you tell that you are in the hands of the Mathematical Mafia?
Answer: They make you an offer that you can't understand.

What insect is good with numbers?
Answer: An account-ant.

What is the sine of 40?
Answer: Saying things like, "When I was your age ..."

What keeps a square in place?
Answer: Square roots.

What is the only known cure for a bad case of right angles?
Answer: Pythagorean serum.

What did the statistics teacher say to her failing student?
Answer: Look on the bright side -- you're in the top 90% of the class!

What is the volume of a disk with radius z and height a?
Answer: Pi z z a!

How does a mathematician reprimand his children?
Answer: If I've told you n times, I have told you n + 1 times ... !

Why do mathematicians often confuse Halloween and Christmas?
Answer: Because OCT 31 = DEC 25.

Why didn't the two 4's want dinner?
Answer: Because they already 8.

Why couldn't the blonde write the number ELEVEN?
Answer: She didn't know which ONE came first...

Where do math teachers go on vacation?
Answer: Times Square.

In 2013, several counties in Colorado considered seceding from the state and forming a 51st state.     Why does the United States need 53 states?
Answer: So it can be indivisible (53 is a prime). -- from Justin Zablocki

Why can't you pour root beer into a square glass?
Answer: Because you will just have beer. -- from Justin Zablocki

A farmer has three fields.   One of them has 3 bundles of hay, another has 4, and the last has 5.   How many would he have in the first field if he combined all of them in that field?
Answer: Just one, he combined them all.

How is the moon like a dollar?
Answer: They both have 4 quarters.

What goes up and never comes down?
Answer: Your Age

Why is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long?
Answer: Otherwise it would be a foot.

What did the triangle say to the circle?
Answer: "You're pointless."

How does a mathematician plow fields?
Answer: With a pro-tractor.

What's a math teacher's favorite kind of tree?
Answer: Geometry.

What do you call more than one L?
Answer: A parallel!

Why wasn't the geometry teacher at school?
Answer: Because she sprained her angle.

Did you hear about the over-educated circle?
Answer: It has 360°!

What shape is usually waiting for you inside a Starbucks?
A line.

Why doesn't anybody talk to circles?
Answer: Because there's no point.

Why was the obtuse triangle always upset?
Answer: Because it's never right.

What do geometry teachers have decorating their floor?
Answer: Area rugs!

What do mathematicians do after a snowstorm?
Answer: Make snow angles!

Why was math class so long?
Answer: The teacher kept going off on a tangent.

Why did the student do multiplication problems on the floor?
Answer: The teacher told him not to use tables.

Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers?
Answer: He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Why was the student confused when he went from English class to math class?
Answer: Because he was taught that a double negative in English is bad, but in math, it's a positive.

What are ten things you can always count on?
Answer: Your fingers.

Are monsters good at math?
Answer: Not unless you Count Dracula.

Why didn't the quarter roll down the hill with the nickel?
Answer: Because it had more cents!

What did the spelling book say to the math book?
Answer: "I know I can count on you!"

What do you get when you cross a dog and a calculator?
Answer: A friend you can count on.

Which king loved fractions?
Answer: Henry the 1/8.

Why did Pi get its driver's license revoked?
Answer: Because it didn't know when to stop.

What's the official animal of Pi day?
Answer: The Pi-thon!

What do you call two friends who love math?
Answer: Algebros.

Why do atheists have trouble with exponents?
Answer: They don't believe in higher powers!

Why do plants hate math?
Answer: Because it gives them square roots.

Why does algebra make you a better dancer?
Answer: Because you can use the algo-rhythm!

What do you call a number that can't sit still?
Answer: A roamin' numeral!

Did you hear what the 0 said to the 8?
Answer: Nice belt!

What is a math teacher's favorite vacation destination?
Answer: Times Square.

Why was the fraction worried about marrying the decimal?
Answer: Because she would have to convert.

Why did I divide sin by tan?
Answer: Just cos.

Can the mathematician skip trigonometry?
Answer: Cosecant.

Why do mathematicians like parks?
Answer: Because of all the natural logs.

Why did the mathematician return his pie to the bakery?
Answer: They made it wrong — πr², not round!

What kind of algebra teachers are positive?
Answer: The ones with absolute values.

What was Sir Isaac Newton's favorite dessert?
Answer: Apple pi.

What do you get when you take the sun and divide its circumference by its diameter?
Answer: Pi in the sky.

Why do Pirates love algebra.
Answer: Because x marks the spot.

Why couldn't the math teacher get from Point A to Point B?
Answer: Because he used the rhom-bus.

Why did the minus sign get a humanitarian award?
Answer: For making a difference.

What is a mathematician's favorite dessert?
Answer: Pi a la Mode.

How do you solve any equation?
Answer: With a pencil.

What type of teacher calls his students average?
Answer: One that is mean.

Why did the mathematician get elected as mayor?
Answer: He promised to solve the inequalities.

What is a geometry teacher's favorite sport?
Answer: Angling.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher