Heat Index Formula
A practical example of matrix multiplication from David Pleacher

1. The formula to find the Heat Index, HI, when given the temperature, T, in Fahrenheit degrees and the Relative Humidity, R, is:

Expand by multiplying these three matrices together to get a polynomial of sixteen terms.

2. Now use this expansion to determine the Heat Index if the Temperature is 93 degrees Fahrenheit and the Relative Humidity is 21%.
Answer = 89.31 degrees.

3. Use this formula to determine the Heat Index if the Temperature is 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the Relative Humidity is 60%.
Answer = 129 degrees.

4. Use this formula to determine the Heat Index if the Temperature is 92 degrees Fahrenheit and the Relative Humidity is 46%.
Answer = 96 degrees.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher