What Day Is It?
Answer Key

On which day of the week did the following events occur?   Use Reverend Zeller's Day Date Formula to calculate the day of the week.   Fill in the table below showing the values for M, C, Y, D, and SUM.

1. September 11, 2001
9/11 - the terrorist attack on the United States

2. November 22, 1963
The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

3. December 7, 1941
Pearl Harbor Day - "A date which will live in infamy"

4. April 18, 1775
Paul Revere's midnight ride - "on the 18th of April in '75"

5. June 6, 1944
D-Day - the Normandy invasion during World War II

6. July 20, 1969
Neil Armstrong walked on the moon (Apollo 11)

7. July 4, 1776
Declaration of Independence is signed

8. November 19, 1863
Lincoln delivers the Gettysburg Address

9. April 15, 1912
The Titanic sinks after hitting an iceberg

10. April 9, 1865
Lee surrenders to Grant at Appomattox

11. May 7, 1945
Germany surrenders to the Allied forces during World War II

12. August 28, 1963
Dr. Martin Luther King delivers his "I Have a Dream" speech

13. January 28, 1986
The Space Shuttle Challenger explodes 73 seconds after liftoff

14. October 24, 1929
The first of three phases of the Stock Market Crash of 1929

15. April 19, 1995
The Oklahoma City bombing - a domestic terrorist attack

16. June 25, 1876
Custer's Last Stand at the Battle of Little Big Horn

17. April 4, 1968
Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis

18. December 17, 1903
Wright Brothers first powered airplane at Kitty Hawk

Date M C Y D SUM Day of the Week
September 11, 2001 7 20 01 11 -5 = 2 Tuesday
November 22, 1963 9 19 63 22 89 = 5 Friday
December 7, 1941 10 19 41 7 49 = 0 Sunday
April 18, 1775 2 17 75 18 86 = 2 Tuesday
June 6, 1944 4 19 44 6 37 = 2 Tuesday
July 20, 1969 5 19 69 20 84 = 0 Sunday
July 4, 1776 5 17 76 4 81 = 4 Thursday
November 19, 1863 9 18 63 19 88 = 4 Thursday
April 15, 1912 2 19 12 15 1 = 1 Monday
April 9, 1865 2 18 65 9 63 = 0 Palm Sunday
May 7, 1945 3 19 45 7 36 = 1 Monday
August 28, 1963 6 19 63 28 87 = 3 Wednesday
January 28, 1986 11 19 85 28 128 = 2 Tuesday
October 24, 1929 8 19 29 24 46 = 4 Thursday
April 19, 1995 2 19 95 19 108 = 3 Wednesday
June 25, 1876 4 18 76 25 98 = 0 Sunday
April 4, 1968 2 19 68 4 60 = 4 Thursday
December 17, 1903 10 19 03 17 11 = 4 Thursday

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher