Grade Level: 10 - 12
Materials: One set of worksheets for each student
Objective: The student will be able to solve challenging problems from precalculus,
including absolute value, trig identities and equations, inverse trig,
logarithms and exponential functions, imaginary numbers, probability,
and functional notation.

Back in 1953, Roger Price invented a minor art form called the Droodle, which he described as "a borkley-looking sort of drawing that doesn't make
any sense until you know the correct title." This Droodle has one explanation right-side-up, a different one turned topsy-turvy, and a third
interpretation on its side. The Turvy above was created by Roger Price and published in his book called DROODLES.
To determine the titles to this turvy, solve the challenging problems in this puzzle. Then replace each numbered blank in the puzzle with
the letter corresponding to the answer for that problem.
Click here or on the Printer Version tab above to load the puzzle.