Lesson #135
Review of
Techniques of Integration

Quote of the Day:
"The journey for an education starts with a childhood question." -- David L. Finn

The student will review all techniques of integration.

1. Collect homework.

2. Distribute a copy of Really Stupid Integrals sheet.

3. Outline of Test on Chapter 8

16 free Response Problems

3 Integration by Parts

3 Integrals with powers of sine, cosine, secant, tangent, cosecant, cotangent

4 Integrals with Trig Substitution and completing the square

2 Integral with Partial Fractions

1 Integral with Long Division

1 Problem with Simpson's Rule

1 Problem with the Trapezoidal Rule

1 Problem with Length of the Curve OR Volume of solid of revolution

4. Match Game -- Integrals and Derivatives

5. Right Angle Review Puzzle

6. Assignment
Finish Really Stupid Integral Sheet.
Study for test on Chapter 8.

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Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher