Lesson #165
Review for test on Polar and Cartesian Coordinates

Quote of the Day:

"All of us are slaves to the prejudices of our own dimension." -- Thomas Banchoff (in introduction to Flatland)


The student will review polar coordinates.

The student will review translation and rotation in Cartesian Coordinates.

1. Collect Homework.

2. I Have ... Who Has ... Cards on Polar Coordinates.

3. Show the video, "The Stand-Up Conic."

4. Outline of Test:

I. Multiple Choice

1. Given an equation, Find the new equation after a translation to a new origin.

2-3. Given an equation with an xy-term in it, Eliminate the xy-term by a rotation of axes.

4. Given polar coordinates, find the corresponding rectangular coordinates.

5. Given a Cartesian equation, find the corresponding Polar equation.

6. Given a polar equation, determine the corresponding rectangular equation.

II. Free Response

7. Given a polar equation, determine the corresponding rectangular equation.

8. Given a Cartesian equation, find the corresponding Polar equation.

9. Plot three points on polar coordinate graph paper.

10 - 12. Graph polar equations and inequalities.

5. Assignment:
Write up a summary of the video for a quiz grade.

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Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher