Lesson #42
e, pi, and
Exponential Functions

Quote of the Day:
"There is a famous formula, perhaps the most compact and famous of all formulas -- developed by Euler from a discovery of deMoivre: e^(i pi) + 1 = 0... It appeals equally to the mystic, the scientist, the philosopher, the mathematician."
-- Edward Kasner and James Newman

The student will discover the values of e and pi.

The student will learn two definitions of e.

The student will solve exponential equations.

1. Collect homework.

2. What is the difference between

The first is a quadratic; the second is an exponential function.

The first is a variable to a constant power; the second is a constant raised to a variable power.

3. To discover the value of e:

4. This leads to two definitions of e:

5. Information sheet on e

6. History of Pi sheet

7. Top Ten Lists for e and pi

8. Humorous uses of e
In the IPO filing for Google, Inc., in 2004, rather than a typical round-number amount of money, the company announced its intention to raise $2,718,281,828, which is, of course, e billion dollars to the nearest integer.

Google was also the culprit of a mysterious billboard that appeared in the heart of Silicon Valley, which read '{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits of e}.com'. Once solving this problem, and visiting the web site advertised, an even more difficult problem was presented.

9. To solve an exponential equation:

10. Chain Letters and Pyramid Schemes

11. Formulas involving e:

12. Poems and Songs about pi and e

Click here for Poem about the Pi Man

Click here for Poem about Pi

Click here for Poem about Biblical Pi

Click here for Poem about Pi and the Circle

Click here for Poem about Pi

Click here for Poem about E

Click here for Poem about E and Pi

Click here for Poem about
E to the Pi * i

Click here for Song about the History of Pi

Click here for Jokes about Pi

13. Another Pi Joke

Pie are not square.
Pie are round.
Cornbread are square.

14. Assignment:
p. 74 (8b, 9, 12b, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25)
Logarithm Cut-out sheet

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Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher