Max/Min Problems for Review

Solve each of the problems below. Find the correct answer from the choices below. Then place the corresponding word in the appropriate blank to answer the two stupid questions.

_____ 1. Determine the constant a in order that the function y = x2 + a/x will have a point of inflection at x = 1.

_____ 2. Determine the volume of the largest right circular cylinder that can be inscribed in a given right circular cone with radius 3 inches and height 9 inches. (Answer is in cubic inches)

_____ 3. Determine the minimum point(s) of y = (x+2)2

_____ 4. Where does the graph of y = (x-1)3 have a point of inflection?

_____ 5. Graph y = 2x4 - 4x2

_____ 6. Sketch a smooth curve y = f(x) illustrating f(3) = 4 f''(x) < 0 for x < 3 f'(3) = 0 f''(x) > 0 for x > 3

_____ 7. Determine the constant k in order that the function f(x) = x2 + k/x will have a relative minimum at x = 2.

AT (-2, 0)
BE (4, 0)
LARGE (1, 0)
IS -1

Question #1 What were the headlines after a midget fortuneteller escaped from jail? Answer: _____ _____ _____ _____ #6 #7 #3 #4 Question #2 Why does Beethoven now spend all his time erasing music? Answer: _____ _____ _____ #5 #1 #2

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher