"We Will Graph you!"
by John Carter and Larry Lesser sung as a chant to the tune of
"We Will Rock You",
by the rock group Queen
in The Mathematics Teacher
May 2000

Buddy you're tryin' to draw the line
For the m and the b we're assigned:
Ain't hard you see, put your pencil on the b,
One more point will guarantee that. ...
We will, we will graph you! We will, we will graph you!

So now you know the y-intercept;
Here's how we find the rest of it:
Up with rise, across for run,
Plot another point, and when they're strung, sing...
We have, we have graphed you! We have, we have graphed you!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"We Will Graph you!" (quadratic version) by Larry Lesser

You wanna draw a parabola
From the general form algebra.
Don't despair, complete the square:
The x of the vertex comes out there, and
We will, we will graph you! We will, we will graph you!

The vertex now is figured out,
But does the graph smile or frown?
The number next to the square of x
Gave the sign to make the sketch, now
We will, we will graph you! We will, we will graph you!

Find and plot any x-intercepts,
The constant c is the y-intercept;
A vertical line through the vertex
Gives symmetry for your sketch, and
We have, we have graphed you! We have, we have graphed you!

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher