What are the exact costs of each item?
Let's begin by representing the problem with a pair of equations.
x y z w = 7.11
x + y + z + w = 7.11
If x,y,z,w represent the amounts of the four items in cents then we have
x y z w = 711000000
x + y + z + w = 711
What can we say so far?
The factors : 711 = (1)(3)(3)(79)
If there is to be an exact solution then the product xyzw must be divisible by 3, 9, 79.
The exact sum of the 4 items is 7.11 so the cost of each item is less than $7.11.
SOLUTION #1 (exact solution)
Suppose the customer purchased four items worth $3.16, $1.50, $1.20, and $1.25,
then the total cost and the product would be exactly $7.11 .
SOLUTION #2 (rounds correctly)
Suppose the customer selected four items which cost $.79, $1.75, $2.00, $2.57.
The total cost is $7.11. However, the product is 7.10605.
The clerk rounds correctly and quotes the amount $7.11.
SOLUTION #3 (rounds correctly)
Suppose the customer selected four items which cost $2.00, $2.07, $2.29, $.75.
The total cost is $7.11. However, the product is 7.11045.
The clerk rounds correctly and quotes the amount $7.11.
Mikael Wetterholm sent in the following:
I wrote a simple BASIC-program and in ten seconds I had the answer on my screen: $1.2 $1.25
$1.5 $3.16.
CLS sum = 711 'sum in cent product = 711000000 'product in cent a = 100' I suggested that the cost of an item was greater than 100 cent PRINT "wait..." DO WHILE a < sum b = 100 a = a + 1 DO WHILE b < sum c = 100 b = b + 1 DO c = c + 1 d = sum - (a + b + c) IF a * b * c * d = product THEN GOTO final LOOP WHILE d > 100 LOOP LOOP END final: a = a / 100 'convert to dollar b = b / 100 c = c / 100 d = d / 100 SOUND 1000, 10 PRINT "$"; a; "$"; b; "$"; c; "$"; d; END
Dave Smith also wrote a computer program to solve the problem.
1. Jeffrey Gaither | Winchester, Virginia |
2. Richard Johnson | La Jolla, California |
3. James Alarie | University of Michigan -- Flint Flint, Michigan |
4. Mikael Wetterholm | Danderyd, Sweden |
5. Dave Smith | Toledo, Ohio |
6. Bella Patel | Harrisonburg, Virginia |
7. Helna Patel | Harrisonburg, Virginia |
8. Andrew Oliver | Winchester, Virginia |
9. Chris Maggiolo | Harrisonburg, Virginia |