Travel along the colored paths from Start to Goal. At each pumpkin, change to a path
of a different color from the color you were just on -- any different color. U-turns are prohibited.
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Solution to the Problem:
After Start, visit the lettered pumpkins in this order:
F - E - D - C - B - A - J - I - H - Q - R - K - L - R.
The last letters take you around a loop,
and could have been visited in the order L - K - R.
Now retrace your path in the opposite direction:
Q - H - I - J - A - B - C - D - E - F.
At this point, continue O - N - M - Goal.
Correctly solved by:
Correctly solved by:
1. John Funk
Ventura, California
2. Tristan Collins
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia
3. Garie Tripp and Russel
Mountain View High School
Mountain View, Wyoming
4. Randall Obrien
Mountain View High School
Mountain View, Wyoming
5. Scott Woody
Mountain View High School
Mountain View, Wyoming
6. Wynston Anglen
Mountain View High School
Mountain View, Wyoming
7. Courtney Peterson
Mountain View High School
Mountain View, Wyoming