Mr. Pleacher made the following statements about his life on New Year's Day, 2007:
- I spent five years at home before starting school.
- Then I spent 4/15 of my life in school.
- After graduating from college, I immediately married and began teaching.
- My son, Michael, was born 2/3 of the number of years between my older daughter's birth
(Elizabeth) and my younger daughter's birth (Sarah).
- Ten percent of my life passed between my two daughters' births.
- I lived 1/2 of my life from the time I was married until my grandson James was born.
- Elizabeth was born after I had lived 2/5 of my life.
- My granddaughter Carrie was born 1/3 of way between the year that James was born and
the year that grandchildren Kate and Jackson were born.
- I retired one year after James was born and one year before Carrie was born.
- Seven twentieths (7/20) of my life passed between the year Sarah was born and the
year that James was born.
- My grandson Ben was born two years after Jackson and Kate were born.
Can you answer the following questions?
- How old is Mr. P now? _____
- How old was he when he was married? _____
- How old was he when Elizabeth was born? _____
- How old was he when Sarah was born? _____
- How old was he when Michael was born? _____
- How old was he when James was born? _____
- How old was he when Carrie was born? _____
- How old was he when Jackson was born? _____
- How old was he when Kate was born? _____
- How old was he when Ben was born? _____
- How old was he when he retired? _____