COMIC STRIP is no longer available.
From the clues in the comic strip above, explain why it is not possible for Calvin to
obtain a score of 957 for the "word"
Then disregarding the first panel, what is the highest score that can be obtained on a Scrabble
board for the "word"
Please send in your answer in the following format using
the Scrabble Board below:
Give the Row number and the Column letter for the letter Z, and then tell whether it goes horizontally
or vertically. Then, give the score, explaining how you calculated it.
You must use the rules of Scrabble for scoring:
The score for a turn is the sum of the score values of all the letters. If a letter falls on a
Double Letter Score or a Triple Letter Score, that letter score is either doubled or tripled. Then
if one of the letters falls on a Double Word Score or Triple Word Score, the entire sum is either doubled
or tripled.
The score values for the letters in the comic are:
Z = 10 points
Q = 10 points
F = 4 points
M = 3 points
G = 2 points
B = 3 points
You may use the Scrabble Board below to help solve the problem: