September 2009
Problem of the Month

Cross Number Puzzle

Use the clues below to fill in the cells of this cross number puzzle.   Each square contains a single digit from 1 to 9 (there are no zeros anywhere in the puzzle).

Yes, I did make a miscalculation in constructing the puzzle -- Number 1 down is a three digit number, but I needed a separator and then a one digit square and another separator, but there are only five total squares in each column.   Therefore, there is a digit and a separator sharing the same block!

1.   All digits are odd and all different.
5.   Sum of the digits is half the cube root of 3 DOWN.
6.   A prime number.
8.   Three times the sum of its digits.
9.   This number reversed is the square of an even number.
11.   This is the same when reversed, and it is divisible by 9.

1.   First three digits of 4 DOWN rearranged.
2.   A prime number.
3.   A perfect cube.
4.   Each digit is greater than the preceding one.
7.   A multiple of 8 ACROSS.
10.   The sum of the digits is the square of a perfect square.

Solution to the Problem:

Correctly solved by:

1. K. Sengupta Calcutta, India
2. Cameron Burkholder Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, Virginia
3. David & Judy Dixon Bennettsville, South Carolina

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher