March 2012
Problem of the Month

Squares Away
by George Cundari

That 12 squared equals 144 comes as no surprise, but did you know that reversing those digits gives you an equally valid equation? (21 squared = 441.)   The same is true for 13 and 31 (their squares are 169 and 961).

What's the next pair of numbers with this unusual quality?

Solution to the Problem:

The next pair of numbers possessing this quality is 102 and 201 (their squares are 10,404 and 40,401).

However, James Alarie sent in the following solution which adds some completeness!!
I guess it's a bit too obvious to list (21,12) as the "next" pair; it already exists as the (12,21) pair.

Those less than 100 are:
(1,1); (2,2); (3,3); (11,11); (12,21); (13,31); (21,12); (22,22); (31,13); (101,101); (102,201); (103,301); (111,111); (112,211); (113,311); (121,121); (122,221); (201,102); (202,202); (211,112); (212,212); (221,122); (301,103); (311,113).

The non-reversed ones are:
(1,1); (2,2); (3,3); (11,11); (12,21); (13,31); (22,22); (101,101); (102,201); (103,301); (111,111); (112,211); (113,311); (121,121); (122,221); (201,102); (202,202); (212,212).

More up to 1000:
(1002,2001); (1003,3001); (1011,1101); (1012,2101); (1013,3101); (1021,1201); (1022,2201); (1031,1301); (1102,2011); (1103,3011); (1112,2111); (1113,3111); (1121,1211); (1122,2211); (1202,2021); (1212,2121); (2012,2102); (2022,2202).

And Chad Fore also noticed the repetitions and that only the digits 0, 1, 2, 3 work:
Without repetition of digits, the next pair I came up with is 102 and 201, it also works for 103 and 301. I see it now. The last digit that it works for is 3 because 3 squared is the largest square that is a single digit. So only 2 and 3 work because both of their squares are in the digits.

So it continues for any repetition of 1, 2 and 1, 3 separated by n zeros where n is a whole number. So it would conceivably work for a very large number such as 100000000002 and 200000000001.   That is very cool.
So, thanks to James and Chad for seeing more in the problem than I did!

Correctly solved by:

1. Chad Fore Gate City, Virginia
2. John C. Funk Ventura, California
3. James Alarie Flint, Michigan
4. Blace Martin Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
5. McKinna Salsbury Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
6. Halee Salsbury Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
7. Cami Micheli Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
8. Felicia Lopez Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
9. Tyler Cantrell Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
10. Erin Watson Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
11. Aiden Anderson Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
12. Josey Pitts Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
13. Chelsea Ayres Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
14. Karsten Hauf Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
15. Crystal Schleichardt Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
16. Lisa Merwyn Taylor, Michigan
17. Marissa Vitt Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
18. Kyle Bonner Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher