"Venice hosted a staggering number of tourists each year -- an estimated one-third of 1 percent of the world's population -- some twenty million visitors in the year 2000. With the additional billion added to the earth's population since that year, the city was now groaning under the weight of three million more tourists per year."Using the statistics from Dan Brown's book, what was the world's population in the year 2000?
1. James Alarie | Flint, Michigan |
2. Chad Fore | Gate City, Virginia |
3. Patricia Young |
John Paul II Catholic High, Tallahassee, Florida |
4. Ryan Rignanese |
John Paul II Catholic High, Tallahassee, Florida |
5. Heejung Ahn |
John Paul II Catholic High, Tallahassee, Florida |
6. James DiMarco |
John Paul II Catholic High, Tallahassee, Florida |
7. Adam T. Oakley | ---------- |