Fill in the squares in the puzzle below so that each digit from 1 to 5 appears exactly once in each row and column.
Greater-than and less-than signs indicate the relationship of two adjacent squares.
The puzzle has only one solution and you can get it without guessing.

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Solution to the Problem:

Correctly solved by:
1. James Alarie | Flint, Michigan |
2. Raquel Mosteiro |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
3. Sreeroopa Sankararaman | Singapore, Singapore |
4. Mashayla Hurdsman |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
5. Ben Harding |
Bauder Elementary School, Fort Collins, Colorado |
6. Mckinzee Walker |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
7. Dawson Case |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
8. Tom Laidlaw | Vancouver, Washington |
9. Gage Covington |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
10. Madison Bindl |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
11. Danilo Calcinaro |
Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico (ITT) "Montani", Fermo, Italy |