Determine the answer for each of the twenty-eight clues below.
Then fill those words in the boxes below.
3-letter word
1. A dessert that often includes pumpkin or apple.
4-letter words
2. Maize.
3. The season of Thanksgiving (also known as autumn).
4. Another name for sweet potatoes.
5-letter word
5. What you do to a turkey before you eat it.
6-letter words
6. The main course at many Thanksgiving meals.
(one of these is pardoned by the President of the United States)
7. What the holiday is all about - "Giving ______ ."
8. This annual Thanksgiving event takes place in New York City.
9. The sound made by a turkey.
10. What is usually said before the meal.
7-letter words
11. A bright orange squash used to make pies.
12. This Native American, also known as Tisquantum, helped the Pilgrims
after their first winter in the new World and was integral
to their survival.
13. These vegetables are like baby cabbages, but they are not from Belgium
despite the name.
14. Bringing in the crops (the yield from plants in a single growing season).
15. Thanksgiving commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the
Pilgrims and the _______.
16. Thanksgiving is a time when family and _____ gather to give thanks.
17. The country that the Pilgrims came from.
8-letter words
18. The famous rock where the Mayflower landed.
19. The main sport that is watched on TV on Thanksgiving day.
20. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on this day of the week.
21. Thanksgiving is always celebrated in this month of the year.
22. These English settlers landed at Plymouth Rock.
23. This gets cooked inside the turkey.
24. Remember what we are ______ for.
9-letter words
25. The name of the Pilgrim's ship.
26. This fruit is used to make a red-jellied side dish.
10-letter word
27. Horn of plenty.
12-letter word
28. The fourth Thursday of November (according to a joint resolution
signed by Congress and President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941)

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Solution to the Problem:

3-letter word
1. A dessert that often includes pumpkin or apple. -- PIE
4-letter words
2. Maize. -- CORN
3. The season of Thanksgiving (also known as autumn). -- FALL
4. Another name for sweet potatoes. -- YAMS
5-letter word
5. What you do to a turkey before you eat it. -- CARVE
6-letter words
6. The main course at many Thanksgiving meals. -- TURKEY
(one of these is pardoned by the President of the United States)
7. What the holiday is all about - "Giving THANKS ."
8. This annual Thanksgiving event takes place in New York City. -- PARADE
9. The sound made by a turkey. -- GOBBLE
10. What is usually said before the meal. -- PRAYER
7-letter words
11. A bright orange squash used to make pies. -- PUMPKIN
12. This Native American, also known as Tisquantum, helped the Pilgrims after their first winter in the
New World and was integral to their survival. -- SQUANTO
13. These vegetables are like baby cabbages, but they are not from Belgium despite the name. -- SPROUTS
14. Bringing in the crops (the yield from plants in a single growing season). -- HARVEST
15. Thanksgiving commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the _______. -- INDIANS
16. Thanksgiving is a time when family and FRIENDS gather to give thanks.
17. The country that the Pilgrims came from. -- ENGLAND
8-letter words
18. The famous rock where the Mayflower landed. -- PLYMOUTH
19. The main sport that is watched on TV on Thanksgiving day. -- FOOTBALL
20. Thanksgiving is always celebrated on this day of the week. -- THURSDAY
21. Thanksgiving is always celebrated in this month of the year. -- NOVEMBER
22. These English settlers landed at Plymouth Rock. -- PILGRIMS
23. This gets cooked inside the turkey. -- STUFFING
24. Remember what we are THANKFUL for.
9-letter words
25. The name of the Pilgrim's ship. -- MAYFLOWER
26. This fruit is used to make a red-jellied side dish. -- CRANBERRY
10-letter word
27. Horn of plenty. -- CORNUCOPIA
12-letter word
28. The fourth Thursday of November (according to a joint resolution signed by Congress and President
Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941) -- THANKSGIVING
Jason Stoddard sent in BASTE as a correct answer for #5 (What you do to a turkey before you eat it) and it fits in the puzzle.
Correctly solved by:
1. Kimberly Howe | Vienna, Virginia |
2. Carol Pleacher | Fort Collins, Colorado |
3. Behlee Aimone |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
4. Baylee Tims |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
5. Brianna Tims |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
6. Jason Stoddard |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
7. stoddardt |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
8. |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
9. Madison Bindl |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
10. Emilee Benedict |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
11. Kelsey Giorgis |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
12. Linzy Carpenter |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
13. Adalene Thomas |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
14. Keegan Genzer |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
15. Hope Pfeifer |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
16. Faith Pfeifer |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
17. Harlan Benedict |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |