Once solved, the grid below will contain 25 of the 26 letters of the alphabet, one letter per square.
Use the accompanying clues to fill in each grid and determine which letter is not used.

1. No letter is adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) to another letter immediately before
      it or immediately after it in the alphabet.
      The letters A and Z may touch each other since they do not follow each other in the alphabet.
2. Row 1 contains the letters in the word AXIOM in some order.
3. Row 3 contains the letters in the word BYTES in some order.
4. Column 5 contains the letters in the word FOCUS in some order.
5. Column 1 contains the letters in the word ANGLE in some order.
6. Column 3 contains the letters in the word THIRD in some order.
7. Row 5 contains the letters in the word PHUNK in some order.

            Send your solution by the end of the month to: David Pleacher