Each sentence below is missing two words. Each of these words is made up of the same letters, and one of those words is a math word.
You must answer fourteen of the statements correctly in order to be on the Problem Solvers list.
Can you fill in the blanks?
Hint: The number of letters in each word is given in parentheses.
1. The little ___ laughed with glee as she watched her ___ fly in the windy sky. (4 letters)
2. After taking out a ___ of credit, I now have a ___ on my car. (4 letters)
3. Geodesic is one ___ used to construct a ___ . (4 letters)
4. I felt too guilty to end my prayer with ___ because I called the church secretary a ___ name.
(4 letters)
5. When mom and ___ asked me what we were doing in algebra, I answered that we were learning
to ___ and subtract polynomials. (3 letters)
6. While surfing the ____ , he found ____ math websites that looked really interesting. (3 letters)
7. I'm ____ sure if a full grown pig weighs one ____ . (3 letters)
8. A cute ___ flew at an obtuse ___ towards Earth. (5 letters)
9. You should never go to a shooting ____ if you are feeling ____. (5 letters)
10. While skiing down the ____ , he dropped his ____. (5 letters)
11. A commercial jet ___ has a very complex control ___ . (5 letters)
12. We heated the ___ beans to the boiling ___ . (5 letters)
13. The spy plane could not file a flight plan because its ___ was ___ . (6 letters)
14. The ___ had the congregation join hands to form a prayer ___. (6 letters)
15. Sir Lancelot rescued the ___ from the ___ of the road. (6 letters)
16. The ___ news story was at the ___ of discussion. (6 letters)
17. In the microscope the ___ had a ___ shape. (8 letters)
18. Knowing how to form a ___ is ___ in forming a pyramid. (8 letters)
19. Spendthrifts are the ___ of misers, who ___ . (8 letters)
20. Computer programmers no longer use slide rules, but they may still use a ___
when creating an ___. (9 letters)