Two hens are trying to figure out how many eggs they can put in a 6 x 6 crate without having more than two eggs in any row
including all the diagonal rows.
Two eggs have already been placed, so no more eggs are permitted on that corner-to-corner diagonal.
How many eggs can go in the crate?
Send in a diagram of your solution.
Solution to the Problem:
The answer is 12 eggs.There are many different configurations. Here is one of them:
Correctly solved by:
1. Ryan Myers |
Delta High School, Delta, Colorado |
2. Charity Harmon |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
3. James Alarie | Flint, Michigan |
4. Ivy Joseph | Pune, Maharashtra, India |
5. Kimberly Howe | Vienna, Virginia |
6. Ruger Hewitt |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
7. Rob Miles | Northbrook, Illinois |
8. Kelly Stubblefield | Mobile, Alabama |
9. Ethan Cantlin |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |