Most of us are familiar with some of the math day celebrations like Pi Day (March 14), Fibonacci Day (November 23), or World Maths Day (1st Wednesday in March),
but there is a lesser known math day called Pythagorean Theorem Day.
Last month, we celebrated Pythagorean Theorem Day on December 16, 2020 (12/16/20),
when 122 + 162 = 202.
List IN ORDER by year all Pythagorean Theorem Days that occur each century - either in the form December 16, '20 or 12/16/20.
Solution to the Problem:
There are twelve Pythagorean Theorem Days that occur each century:03/04/05 March 4, '05
04/03/05 April 3, '05
06/08/10 June 8, '10
08/06/10 August 6, '10
05/12/13 May 12, '13
12/05/13 December 5, '13
09/12/15 September 12, '15
12/09/15 December 9, '15
08/15/17 August 15, '17
12/16/20 December 16, '20
07/24/25 July 24, '25
10/24/26 October 24, '26

Correctly solved by:
1. Veena Mg | Bangalore, Karnataka, India |
2. Ivy Joseph | Pune, Maharashtra, India |
3. Brijesh Dave | Mumbai City, Maharashtra, India |
4. Colin (Yowie) Bowey | Beechworth, Victoria, Australia |