Apartments is the Turkish version of Skyscrapers. It is a number game where you fill in a matrix without reusing numbers in a row or column (like SUDOKU).
In this puzzle the numbers inside
the matrix represent the heights of buildings and the numbers along the sides tell
you how many buildings a person standing in that spot can see.
Each puzzle below consists of a 5x5 grid with some numerical clues along its sides.
The object is to place an apartment in each square, with a height between 1 and 5, so that no two
apartments in a row or column have the same number of floors.
In addition, the number of visible apartments, as viewed from the direction of each clue, is equal to the value of the clue.
Note that higher apartments block the view of lower apartments located behind them.

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Solution to the Problem:

Correctly solved by:
1. Colin (Yowie) Bowey | Beechworth, Victoria, Australia |
2. Veena Mg | Bangalore, Karnataka, India |
3. Ivy Joseph | Pune, Maharashtra, India |