Place each digit from 1 through 9 in the empty squares of the grid so that the three rows
across and the three rows down form correct arithmetic statements.
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Solution to the Problem:

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Here is eleven year old Tristan Sparkes' solution and how he solved the problem:

Correctly solved by:
1. K. Sengupta | Calcutta, India |
2. Colin (Yowie) Bowey | Beechworth, Victoria, Australia |
3. Tristan Sparkes | ---------- |
4. Bruce Sparkes | ---------- |
5. Davit Banana | Istanbul, Turkey |
6. Dr. Hari Kishan |
D.N. College, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India |
7. Jasmine Hernandez |
Central High School, Grand Junction, Colorado |
8. Ali Sibert |
Mountain View High School, Mountain View, Wyoming |
9. Ritwik Chaudhuri | Santiniketan, West Bengal, India |
10. Ivy Joseph | Pune, Maharashtra, India |
11. Rumen Videnov |
American College of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria |
12. Kelly Stubblefield | Mobile, Alabama |